Azure Firewall service tags
A service tag represents a group of IP address prefixes to help minimize complexity for security rule creation. You can't create your own service tag, nor specify which IP addresses are included within a tag. Azure manages the address prefixes encompassed by the service tag, and automatically updates the service tag as addresses change.
Azure Firewall service tags can be used in the network rules destination field. You can use them in place of specific IP addresses.
Supported service tags
See Virtual network service tags for a list of service tags that are available for use in Azure firewall network rules.
Azure Firewall supports configuration of service tags via PowerShell, Azure CLI, or the Azure portal.
Configure via Azure PowerShell
In this example, we are making a change to an Azure Firewall using classic rules. We must first get context to our previously created Azure Firewall instance.
$FirewallName = "AzureFirewall"
$ResourceGroup = "AzureFirewall-RG"
$azfirewall = Get-AzFirewall -Name $FirewallName -ResourceGroupName $ResourceGroup
Next, we must create a new rule. For the Destination, you can specify the text value of the service tag you wish to leverage, as mentioned previously.
$rule = New-AzFirewallNetworkRule -Name "AllowSQL" -Description "Allow access to Azure Database as a Service (SQL, MySQL, PostgreSQL, Datawarehouse)" -SourceAddress "" -DestinationAddress Sql -DestinationPort 1433 -Protocol TCP
$ruleCollection = New-AzFirewallNetworkRuleCollection -Name "Data Collection" -Priority 1000 -Rule $rule -ActionType Allow
Next, we must update the variable containing our Azure Firewall definition with the new network rules we created.
Last, we must commit the Network Rule changes to the running Azure Firewall instance.
Set-AzFirewall -AzureFirewall $azfirewall
Next steps
To learn more about Azure Firewall rules, see Azure Firewall rule processing logic.