Azure Automation state configuration to guest configuration migration planning

Guest configuration is the latest implementation of functionality that has been provided by Azure Automation State Configuration (also known as Azure Automation Desired State Configuration, or AADSC). When possible, you should plan to move your content and machines to the new service. This article provides guidance on developing a migration strategy from Azure Automation to guest configuration.

New features in guest configuration address top asks from customers:

  • Increased size limit for configurations ( 100MB )
  • Advanced reporting through Azure Resource Graph including resource ID and state
  • Manage multiple configurations for the same machine
  • When machines drift from the desired state, you control when remediation occurs
  • Linux and Windows both consume PowerShell-based DSC resources

Before you begin, it's a good idea to read the conceptual overview information at the page Azure Policy's guest configuration.

Understand migration

The best approach to migration is to redeploy content first, and then migrate machines. The expected steps for migration are outlined.

  • Export configurations from Azure Automation

  • Discover module requirements and load them in your environment

  • Compile configurations

  • Create and publish guest configuration packages

  • Test guest configuration packages

  • Unregister servers from Azure Automation State Configuration

  • Assign configurations to servers using guest configuration

Guest configuration uses DSC version 3 with PowerShell version 7. DSC version 3 can coexist with older versions of DSC in Windows and Linux. The implementations are separate. However, there's no conflict detection.

Guest configuration doesn't require publishing modules or configurations in to a service, or compiling in a service. Instead, content is developed and tested using purpose-built tooling and published anywhere the machine can reach over HTTPS (typically Azure Blob Storage).

If you decide the right plan for your migration is to have machines in both services for some period of time, while that could be confusing to manage, there are no technical barriers. The two services are independent.

Export content from Azure Automation

Start by discovering and exporting content from Azure Automation State Configuration in to a development environment where you create, test, and publish content packages for guest configuration.


Only configuration scripts can be exported from Azure Automation. It isn't possible to export "Node configurations", or compiled MOF files. If you published MOF files directly in to the Automation Account and no longer have access to the original file, you must recompile from your private configuration scripts, or possibly re-author the configuration if the original can't be found.

To export configuration scripts from Azure Automation, first identify the Azure Automation account that contains the configurations and the name of the Resource Group where the Automation Account is deployed.

Install the PowerShell module "Az.Automation".

Install-Module Az.Automation

Next, use the "Get-AzAutomationAccount" command to identify your Automation Accounts and the Resource Group where they're deployed. The properties "ResourceGroupName" and "AutomationAccountName" are important for next steps.


SubscriptionId        : <your subscription id>
ResourceGroupName     : <your resource group name>
AutomationAccountName : <your automation account name>
Location              : chinaeast
State                 :
Plan                  :
CreationTime          : 6/30/2021 11:56:17 AM -05:00
LastModifiedTime      : 6/30/2021 11:56:17 AM -05:00
LastModifiedBy        :
Tags                  : {}

Discover the configurations in your Automation Account. The output contains one entry per configuration. If you have many, store the information as a variable so it's easier to work with.

Get-AzAutomationDscConfiguration -ResourceGroupName <your resource group name> -AutomationAccountName <your automation account name>

ResourceGroupName     : <your resource group name>
AutomationAccountName : <your automation account name>
Location              : chinaeast
State                 : Published
Name                  : <your configuration name>
Tags                  : {}
CreationTime          : 6/30/2021 12:18:26 PM -05:00
LastModifiedTime      : 6/30/2021 12:18:26 PM -05:00
Description           :
Parameters            : {}
LogVerbose            : False

Finally, export each configuration to a local script file using the command "Export-AzAutomationDscConfiguration". The resulting file name uses the pattern \ConfigurationName.ps1.

Export-AzAutomationDscConfiguration -OutputFolder /<location on your machine> -ResourceGroupName <your resource group name> -AutomationAccountName <your automation account name> -name <your configuration name>

UnixMode   User             Group                 LastWriteTime           Size Name
--------   ----             -----                 -------------           ---- ----
                                               12/31/1600 18:09

Export configurations using the PowerShell pipeline

After you've discovered your accounts and the number of configurations, you might wish to export all configurations to a local folder on your machine. To automate this process, pipe the output of each command above to the next.

The example exports 5 configurations. The output pattern is the only indication of success.

Get-AzAutomationAccount | Get-AzAutomationDscConfiguration | Export-AzAutomationDSCConfiguration -OutputFolder /<location on your machine>

UnixMode   User             Group                 LastWriteTime           Size Name
--------   ----             -----                 -------------           ---- ----
                                               12/31/1600 18:09
                                               12/31/1600 18:09
                                               12/31/1600 18:09
                                               12/31/1600 18:09
                                               12/31/1600 18:09

Consider decomposing complex configuration files

Guest configuration can manage multiple configurations per machine. Many configurations written for Azure Automation State Configuration assumed the limitation of managing a single configuration per machine. To take advantage of the expanded capabilities offered by guest configuration, large configuration files can be divided into many smaller configurations where each handles a specific scenario.

There is no orchestration in guest configuration to control the order of how configurations are sorted, so keep steps in a configuration together in one package if they are required to happen sequentially.


It isn't possible to export modules from Azure Automation or automatically correlate which configurations require which module/version. You must have the modules in your local environment to create a new guest configuration package. To create a list of modules you need for migration, use PowerShell to query Azure Automation for the name and version of modules.

If you are using modules that are custom authored and only exist in your private development environment, it isn't possible to export them from Azure Automation.

If a custom module is required for a configuration and is in the account, but you can't find it in your environment, you won't be able to compile the configuration, which means you won't be able to migrate the configuration.

List modules imported in Azure Automation

To retrieve a list of all modules that are installed in your automation account, use the Get-AzAutomationModule command. The property "IsGlobal" tells you if the module is built in to Azure Automation always, or if it was published to the account.

For example, to create a list of all modules published to any of your accounts.

Get-AzAutomationAccount | Get-AzAutomationModule | ? IsGlobal -eq $false

You can also use the PowerShell Gallery as an aid in finding details about modules that are publicly available. For example, the list of modules that are built in to new Automation Accounts, and that contain DSC resources, is produced by the following example.

Get-AzAutomationAccount | Get-AzAutomationModule | ? IsGlobal -eq $true | Find-Module -erroraction silentlycontinue | ? {'' -ne $_.Includes.DscResource} | Select Name, Version -Unique | format-table -AutoSize

Name                       Version
----                       -------
AuditPolicyDsc             1.4.0
ComputerManagementDsc      8.4.0
PSDscResources             2.12.0
SecurityPolicyDsc          2.10.0
xDSCDomainjoin             1.2.23

If the modules were imported from the PowerShell Gallery, you can pipe the output from Find-Module directly in Install-Module. Piping the output across commands provides a solution to load a developer environment with all modules currently in an Automation Account that are available publicly in the PowerShell Gallery.

The same approach could be used to pull modules from a custom NuGet feed, if the feed is registered in your local environment as a PowerShellGet repository.

The Find-Module command in the example doesn't suppress errors, meaning any modules not found in the gallery return an error message.

Get-AzAutomationAccount | Get-AzAutomationModule | ? IsGlobal -eq $false | Find-Module | ? {'' -ne $_.Includes.DscResource} | Install-Module

  Installing package xWebAdministration'

    [                                                                                        ]

Inspecting configuration scripts for module requirements

If you've exported configuration scripts from Azure Automation, you can also review the contents for details about which modules are required to compile each configuration to a MOF file. This approach would only be needed if you find configurations in your Automation Accounts where the modules have been removed. The configurations would no longer be useful for machines, but they might still be in the account.

Towards the top of each file, look for a line that includes 'Import-DscResource'. This command is only applicable inside a configuration, and is used to load modules at the time of compilation.

For example, the "WindowsIISServerConfig" configuration in the PowerShell Gallery contains the lines in this example.

configuration WindowsIISServerConfig

Import-DscResource -ModuleName @{ModuleName = 'xWebAdministration';ModuleVersion = ''}
Import-DscResource -ModuleName 'PSDesiredStateConfiguration'

The configuration requires you to have the "xWebAdministration" module version "" and the module "PSDesiredStateConfiguration".

Test content in Azure guest configuration

The best way to evaluate whether your content from Azure Automation State Configuration can be used with guest configuration is to follow the step-by-step tutorial in the page How to create custom guest configuration package artifacts.

When you reach the step Author a configuration, the configuration script that generates a MOF file should be one of the scripts you exported from Azure Automation State Configuration. You must have the required PowerShell modules installed in your environment before you can compile the configuration to a MOF file and create a guest configuration package.

What if a module does not work with guest configuration?

Some modules might encounter compatibility issues with guest configuration. The most common problems are related to .NET framework vs .NET core. Detailed technical information is available on the page, Differences between Windows PowerShell 5.1 and PowerShell (core) 7.x

One option to resolve compatibility issues is to run commands in Windows PowerShell from within a module that is imported in PowerShell 7, by running powershell.exe. You can review a sample module that uses this technique in the Azure-Policy repo where it is used to audit the state of Windows DSC Configuration.

The example also illustrates a small proof of concept.

# example function that could be loaded from module
function New-TaskResolvedInPWSH7 {
  # runs the fictitious command 'Get-myNotCompatibleCommand' in Windows PowerShell
  $compatObject = & powershell.exe -noprofile -NonInteractive -command { Get-myNotCompatibleCommand }
  # resulting object can be used in PowerShell 7
  return $compatObject

Will I have to add "Reasons" property to Get-TargetResource in all modules I migrate?

Implementing the "Reasons" property provides a better experience when viewing the results of a configuration assignment from the Azure Portal. If the Get method in a module doesn't include "Reasons", generic output is returned with details from the properties returned by the Get method. Therefore, it's optional for migration.


After you've finished testing content from Azure Automation State Configuration in guest configuration, develop a plan for migrating machines.

Azure Automation State Configuration is available for both virtual machines in Azure and hybrid machines located outside of Azure. You must plan for each of these scenarios using different steps.

Azure VMs

Azure virtual machines already have a resource in Azure, which means they're ready for guest configuration assignments that associate them with a configuration. The high-level tasks for migrating Azure virtual machines are to remove them from Azure Automation State Configuration and then assign configurations using guest configuration.

To remove a machine from Azure Automation State Configuration, follow the steps in the page How to remove a configuration and node from Automation State Configuration.

To assign configurations using guest configuration, follow the steps in the Azure Policy Quickstarts, such as Quickstart: Create a policy assignment to identify non-compliant resources. In step 6 when selecting a policy definition, pick the definition that applies a configuration you migrated from Azure Automation State Configuration.

Hybrid machines

Machines outside of Azure can be registered to Azure Automation State Configuration, but they don't have a machine resource in Azure. The connection to Azure Automation is handled by Local Configuration Manager service inside the machine and the record of the node is managed as a resource in the Azure Automation provider type.

Troubleshooting issues when exporting content

Details about known issues are provided

Exporting configurations results in "\" character in file name

When using PowerShell on MacOS/Linux, you encounter issues dealing with the file names output by Export-AzAutomationDSCConfiguration.

As a workaround, a module has been published to the PowerShell Gallery named AADSCConfigContent. The module has only one command, which exports the content of a configuration stored in Azure Automation by making a REST request to the service.

Next steps