Unable to download large data sets using JDBC/ODBC and Apache Thrift software framework in HDInsight
This article describes troubleshooting steps and possible resolutions for issues when using Apache Spark components in Azure HDInsight clusters.
When trying to download large data sets using JDBC/ODBC and the Apache Thrift software framework in Azure HDInsight, you receive an error message similar as follows:
org.apache.spark.SparkException: Kryo serialization failed:
Buffer overflow. Available: 0, required: 36518. To avoid this, increase spark.kryoserializer.buffer.max value.
This exception is caused by the serialization process trying to use more buffer space than is allowed. In Spark 2.0.0, the class org.apache.spark.serializer.KryoSerializer
is used for serializing objects when data is accessed through the Apache Thrift software framework. A different class is used for data that will be sent over the network or cached in serialized form.
Increase the Kryoserializer
buffer value. Add a key named spark.kryoserializer.buffer.max
and set it to 2047
in spark2 config under Custom spark2-thrift-sparkconf
. Restart all affected components.
The value for spark.kryoserializer.buffer.max
must be less than 2048. Fractional values are not supported.
If you didn't see your problem or are unable to solve your issue, visit the following channel for more support:
- If you need more help, you can submit a support request from the Azure portal. Select Support from the menu bar or open the Help + support hub. For more detailed information, review How to create an Azure support request. Access to Subscription Management and billing support is included with your Microsoft Azure subscription, and Technical Support is provided through one of the Azure Support Plans.