IoT Hub Device Provisioning Service high availability and disaster recovery

Device Provisioning Service (DPS) is a helper service for IoT Hub that enables zero-touch device provisioning at-scale. DPS is an important part of your IoT solution. This article describes the High Availability (HA) and Disaster Recovery (DR) capabilities that DPS provides. To learn more about how to achieve HA-DR across your entire IoT solution, see Disaster recovery and high availability for Azure applications. To learn about HA-DR in IoT Hub, see IoT Hub high availability and disaster recovery.

High availability

DPS is a highly available service; for details, see the SLA for Azure IoT Hub. The full Azure SLA explains the guaranteed availability of Azure as a whole.

Disable disaster recovery

To disable disaster recovery in supported regions, make sure that Disaster recovery enabled is unselected when you create your DPS instance:

Screenshot that shows disaster recovery option for an IoT hub in Singapore region.

You can also disable disaster recovery when you create a DPS instance using an ARM template.

Failover capability will not be available if you disable disaster recovery for a DPS instance.

You can check whether disaster recovery is disabled from the Overview page of your DPS instance in Azure portal:

Screenshot that shows disaster recovery disabled for a DPS instance in Singapore region.