PowerShell functions for IoT Edge for Linux on Windows
Applies to:
IoT Edge 1.5
IoT Edge 1.4
IoT Edge 1.5 LTS and IoT Edge 1.4 LTS are supported releases. IoT Edge 1.4 LTS is end of life on November 12, 2024. If you are on an earlier release, see Update IoT Edge.
Understand the PowerShell functions that deploy, provision, and get the status of your IoT Edge for Linux on Windows (EFLOW) virtual machine.
The commands described in this article are from the AzureEFLOW.psm1
file, which can be found on your system in your WindowsPowerShell
directory under C:\Program Files\WindowsPowerShell\Modules\AzureEFLOW
If you don't have the AzureEflow folder in your PowerShell directory, use the following steps to download and install Azure IoT Edge for Linux on Windows:
In an elevated PowerShell session, run each of the following commands to download IoT Edge for Linux on Windows.
- X64/AMD64
$msiPath = $([io.Path]::Combine($env:TEMP, 'AzureIoTEdge.msi')) $ProgressPreference = 'SilentlyContinue' Invoke-WebRequest "https://aka.ms/AzEFLOWMSI_1_4_LTS_X64" -OutFile $msiPath
- ARM64
$msiPath = $([io.Path]::Combine($env:TEMP, 'AzureIoTEdge.msi')) $ProgressPreference = 'SilentlyContinue' Invoke-WebRequest "https://aka.ms/AzEFLOWMSI_1_4_LTS_ARM64" -OutFile $msiPath
Install IoT Edge for Linux on Windows on your device.
Start-Process -Wait msiexec -ArgumentList "/i","$([io.Path]::Combine($env:TEMP, 'AzureIoTEdge.msi'))","/qn"
You can specify custom installation and VHDX directories by adding
parameters to the install command.Set the execution policy on the target device to at least
.Set-ExecutionPolicy -ExecutionPolicy AllSigned -Force
The Add-EflowNetwork command adds a new network to the EFLOW virtual machine. This command takes two parameters.
Parameter | Accepted values | Comments |
vswitchName | Name of the virtual switch | Name of the virtual switch assigned to the EFLOW VM. |
vswitchType | Internal or External | Type of the virtual switch assigned to the EFLOW VM. |
It returns an object that contains four properties:
- Name
- AllocationMethod
- Cidr
- Type
For more information, use the command Get-Help Add-EflowNetwork -full
The Add-EflowVmEndpoint command adds a new network endpoint to the EFLOW virtual machine. Use the optional parameters to set a Static IP.
Parameter | Accepted values | Comments |
vswitchName | Name of the virtual switch | Name of the virtual switch assigned to the EFLOW VM. |
vendpointName | Name of the virtual endpoint | Name of the virtual endpoint assigned to the EFLOW VM. |
ip4Address | IPv4 Address in the range of the DHCP Server Scope | Static Ipv4 address of the EFLOW VM. |
ip4PrefixLength | IPv4 Prefix Length of the subnet | Ipv4 subnet prefix length, only valid when static Ipv4 address is specified. |
ip4GatewayAddress | IPv4 Address of the subnet gateway | Gateway Ipv4 address, only valid when static Ipv4 address is specified. |
It returns an object that contains four properties:
- Name
- MacAddress
- HealthStatus
- IpConfiguration
For more information, use the command Get-Help Add-EflowVmEndpoint -full
The Add-EflowVmSharedFolder command allows sharing one or more Windows host OS folders with the EFLOW virtual machine.
Parameter | Accepted values | Comments |
sharedFoldersJsonPath | String | Path to the Shared Folders JSON configuration file. |
The JSON configuration file must have the following structure:
- sharedFOlderRoot : Path to the Windows root folder that contains all the folders to be shared with the EFLOW virtual machine.
- hostFolderPath: Relative path (to the parent root folder) of the folder to be shared with the EFLOW VM.
- readOnly: Defines if the shared folder is writeable or read-only from the EFLOW virtual machine - Values: false or true.
- targetFolderOnGuest : Folder path inside the EFLOW virtual machine where Windows host OS folder is mounted.
"sharedFolderRoot": "<shared-folder-root-windows-path>",
"sharedFolders": [
{ "hostFolderPath": "<path-shared-folder>",
"readOnly": "<read-only>",
"targetFolderOnGuest": "<linux-mounting-point>"
For more information, use the command Get-Help Add-EflowVmSharedFolder -full
The Connect-EflowVm command connects to the virtual machine using SSH. The only account allowed to SSH to the virtual machine is the user that created it.
This command only works on a PowerShell session running on the host device. It won't work when using Windows Admin Center or PowerShell ISE.
For more information, use the command Get-Help Connect-EflowVm -full
The Copy-EflowVmFile command copies file to or from the virtual machine using SCP. Use the optional parameters to specify the source and destination file paths and the direction of the copy.
The user iotedge-user must have read permission to any origin directories or write permission to any destination directories on the virtual machine.
Parameter | Accepted values | Comments |
fromFile | String representing path to file | Defines the file to be read from. |
toFile | String representing path to file | Defines the file to be written to. |
pushFile | None | This flag indicates copy direction. If present, the command pushes the file to the virtual machine. If absent, the command pulls the file from the virtual machine. |
For more information, use the command Get-Help Copy-EflowVMFile -full
The Deploy-Eflow command is the main deployment method. The deployment command creates the virtual machine, provisions files, and deploys the IoT Edge agent module. While none of the parameters are required, they can be used to modify settings for the virtual machine during creation.
Parameter | Accepted values | Comments |
acceptEula | Yes or No | A shortcut to accept/deny EULA and bypass the EULA prompt. |
acceptOptionalTelemetry | Yes or No | A shortcut to accept/deny optional telemetry and bypass the telemetry prompt. |
cpuCount | Integer value between 1 and the device's CPU cores | Number of CPU cores for the VM. Default value: 1 vCore. |
memoryInMB | Integer even value between 1024 and the maximum amount of free memory of the device | Memory allocated for the VM. Default value: 1024 MB. |
vmDiskSize | Between 21 GB and 2 TB | Maximum logical disk size of the dynamically expanding virtual hard disk. Default value: 29 GB. Note: Either vmDiskSize or vmDataSize can be used, but not both together. |
vmDataSize | Between 2 GB and 2 TB | Maximum data partition size of the resulting hard disk, in GB. Default value: 10 GB. Note: Either vmDiskSize or vmDataSize can be used, but not both together. |
vmLogSize | Small or Large | Specify the log partition size. Small = 1GB, Large = 6GB. Default value: Small. |
vswitchName | Name of the virtual switch | Name of the virtual switch assigned to the EFLOW VM. |
vswitchType | Internal or External | Type of the virtual switch assigned to the EFLOW VM. |
ip4Address | IPv4 Address in the range of the DHCP Server Scope | Static Ipv4 address of the EFLOW VM. |
ip4PrefixLength | IPv4 Prefix Length of the subnet | Ipv4 subnet prefix length, only valid when static Ipv4 address is specified. |
ip4GatewayAddress | IPv4 Address of the subnet gateway | Gateway Ipv4 address, only valid when static Ipv4 address is specified. |
gpuName | GPU Device name | Name of GPU device to be used for passthrough. |
gpuPassthroughType | DirectDeviceAssignment, ParaVirtualization, or none (CPU only) | GPU Passthrough type |
gpuCount | Integer value between 1 and the number of the device's GPU cores | Number of GPU devices for the VM. Note: If using ParaVirtualization, make sure to set gpuCount = 1 |
customSsh | None | Determines whether user wants to use their custom OpenSSH.Client installation. If present, ssh.exe must be available to the EFLOW PSM |
sharedFoldersJsonPath | String | Path to the Shared Folders JSON configuration file. |
For more information, use the command Get-Help Deploy-Eflow -full
The Get-EflowHostConfiguration command returns the host configuration. This command takes no parameters. It returns an object that contains four properties:
- FreePhysicalMemoryInMB
- NumberOfLogicalProcessors
- DiskInfo
- GpuInfo
For more information, use the command Get-Help Get-EflowHostConfiguration -full
The Get-EflowLogs command collects and bundles logs from the IoT Edge for Linux on Windows deployment and installation. It outputs the bundled logs in the form of a .zip
For more information, use the command Get-Help Get-EflowLogs -full
The Get-EflowNetwork command returns a list of the networks assigned to the EFLOW virtual machine. Use the optional parameter to get a specific network.
Parameter | Accepted values | Comments |
vswitchName | Name of the virtual switch | Name of the virtual switch assigned to the EFLOW VM. |
It returns a list of objects that contains four properties:
- Name
- AllocationMethod
- Cidr
- Type
For more information, use the command Get-Help Get-EflowNetwork -full
The Get-EflowVm command returns the virtual machine's current configuration. This command takes no parameters. It returns an object that contains four properties:
- VmConfiguration
- VmPowerState
- EdgeRuntimeVersion
- EdgeRuntimeStatus
- SystemStatistics
To view a specific property in a readable list, run the Get-EflowVM
command with the property expanded. For example:
Get-EflowVM | Select -ExpandProperty VmConfiguration | Format-List
For more information, use the command Get-Help Get-EflowVm -full
The Get-EflowVmAddr command is used to query the virtual machine's current IP and MAC address. This command exists to account for the fact that the IP and MAC address can change over time.
For additional information, use the command Get-Help Get-EflowVmAddr -full
The Get-EflowVmEndpoint command returns a list of the network endpoints assigned to the EFLOW virtual machine. Use the optional parameter to get a specific network endpoint.
Parameter | Accepted values | Comments |
vswitchName | Name of the virtual switch | Name of the virtual switch assigned to the EFLOW VM. |
It returns a list of objects that contains four properties:
- Name
- MacAddress
- HealthStatus
- IpConfiguration
For more information, use the command Get-Help Get-EflowVmEndpoint -full
The Get-EflowVmFeature command returns the status of the enablement of IoT Edge for Linux on Windows features.
Parameter | Accepted values | Comments |
feature | DpsTpm | Feature name to query. |
For more information, use the command Get-Help Get-EflowVmFeature -full
The Get-EflowVmName command returns the virtual machine's current hostname. This command exists to account for the fact that the Windows hostname can change over time.
For more information, use the command Get-Help Get-EflowVmName -full
The Get-EflowVmSharedFolder command returns the information about one or more Windows host OS folders shared with the EFLOW virtual machine.
Parameter | Accepted values | Comments |
sharedfolderRoot | String | Path to the Windows host OS shared root folder. |
hostFolderPath | String or List | Relative path/paths (to the root folder) to the Windows host OS shared folder/s. |
It returns a list of objects that contains three properties:
- hostFolderPath: Relative path (to the parent root folder) of the folder shared with the EFLOW VM.
- readOnly: Defines if the shared folder is writeable or read-only from the EFLOW virtual machine - Values: false or true.
- targetFolderOnGuest: Folder path inside the EFLOW virtual machine where the Windows folder is mounted.
For more information, use the command Get-Help Get-EflowVmSharedFolder -full
The Get-EflowVmTelemetryOption command displays the status of the telemetry (either Optional or Required) inside the virtual machine.
For more information, use the command Get-Help Get-EflowVmTelemetryOption -full
The Get-EflowVmTpmProvisioningInfo command returns the TPM provisioning information. This command takes no parameters. It returns an object that contains two properties:
- Endorsement Key
- Registration ID
For more information, use the command Get-Help Get-EflowVmTpmProvisioningInfo -full
The Invoke-EflowVMCommand command executes a Linux command inside the virtual machine and returns the output. This command only works for Linux commands that return a finite output. It cannot be used for Linux commands that require user interaction or that run indefinitely.
The following optional parameters can be used to specify the command in advance.
Parameter | Accepted values | Comments |
command | String | Command to be executed in the VM. |
ignoreError | None | If this flag is present, ignore errors from the command. |
For more information, use the command Get-Help Invoke-EflowVmCommand -full
The Provision-EflowVm command adds the provisioning information for your IoT Edge device to the virtual machine's IoT Edge config.yaml
Parameter | Accepted values | Comments |
provisioningType | ManualConnectionString, ManualX509, DpsTPM, DpsX509, or DpsSymmetricKey | Defines the type of provisioning you wish to use for your IoT Edge device. |
devConnString | The device connection string of an existing IoT Edge device | Device connection string for manually provisioning an IoT Edge device (ManualConnectionString). |
iotHubHostname | The host name of an existing IoT hub | Azure IoT Hub hostname for provisioning an IoT Edge device (ManualX509). |
deviceId | The device ID of an existing IoT Edge device | Device ID for provisioning an IoT Edge device (ManualX509). |
scopeId | The scope ID for an existing DPS instance. | Scope ID for provisioning an IoT Edge device (DpsTPM, DpsX509, or DpsSymmetricKey). |
symmKey | The primary key for an existing DPS enrollment or the primary key of an existing IoT Edge device registered using symmetric keys | Symmetric key for provisioning an IoT Edge device (DpsSymmetricKey). |
registrationId | The registration ID of an existing IoT Edge device | Registration ID for provisioning an IoT Edge device (DpsSymmetricKey, DpsTPM). |
identityCertPath | Directory path | Absolute destination path of the identity certificate on your Windows host machine (ManualX509, DpsX509). |
identityPrivKeyPath | Directory path | Absolute source path of the identity private key on your Windows host machine (ManualX509, DpsX509). |
For more information, use the command Get-Help Provision-EflowVm -full
The Remove-EflowNetwork command removes an existing network attached to the EFLOW virtual machine. This command takes one parameter.
Parameter | Accepted values | Comments |
vswitchName | Name of the virtual switch | Name of the virtual switch assigned to the EFLOW VM. |
For more information, use the command Get-Help Remove-EflowNetwork -full
The Remove-EflowVmEndpoint command removes an existing network endpoint attached to the EFLOW virtual machine. This command takes one parameter.
Parameter | Accepted values | Comments |
vendpointName | Name of the virtual endpoint | Name of the virtual endpoint assigned to the EFLOW VM. |
For more information, use the command Get-Help Remove-EflowVmEndpoint -full
The Remove-EflowVmSharedFolder command stops sharing the Windows host OS folder to the EFLOW virtual machine. This command takes two parameters.
Parameter | Accepted values | Comments |
sharedfolderRoot | String | Path to the Windows host OS shared root folder. |
hostFolderPath | String or List | Relative path/paths (to the root folder) to the Windows host OS shared folder/s. |
For more information, use the command Get-Help Remove-EflowVmSharedFolder -full
The Set-EflowVM command updates the virtual machine configuration with the requested properties. Use the optional parameters to define a specific configuration for the virtual machine.
Parameter | Accepted values | Comments |
cpuCount | Integer value between 1 and the device's CPU cores | Number of CPU cores for the VM. |
memoryInMB | Integer value between 1024 and the maximum amount of free memory of the device | Memory allocated for the VM. |
gpuName | GPU device name | Name of the GPU device to be used for passthrough. |
gpuPassthroughType | DirectDeviceAssignment, ParaVirtualization, or none (no passthrough) | GPU Passthrough type |
gpuCount | Integer value between 1 and the device's GPU cores | Number of GPU devices for the VM Note: Only valid when using DirectDeviceAssignment |
headless | None | If this flag is present, it determines whether the user needs to confirm in case a security warning is issued. |
For more information, use the command Get-Help Set-EflowVM -full
The Set-EflowVmDNSServers command configures the DNS servers for EFLOW virtual machine.
Parameter | Accepted values | Comments |
vendpointName | String value of the virtual endpoint name | Use the Get-EflowVmEndpoint to obtain the virtual interfaces assigned to the EFLOW VM. E.g. DESKTOP-CONTOSO-EflowInterface |
dnsServers | List of DNS server IPAddress to use for name resolution | E.g. @("") |
For more information, use the command Get-Help Set-EflowVmDNSServers -full
The Set-EflowVmFeature command enables or disables the status of IoT Edge for Linux on Windows features.
Parameter | Accepted values | Comments |
feature | DpsTpm, Defender | Feature name to toggle. |
enable | None | If this flag is present, the command enables the feature. |
For more information, use the command Get-Help Set-EflowVmFeature -full
The Set-EflowVmTelemetryOption command enables or disables the optional telemetry inside the virtual machine.
Parameter | Accepted values | Comments |
optionalTelemetry | True or False | Whether optional telemetry is selected. |
For more information, use the command Get-Help Set-EflowVmTelemetryOption -full
The Start-EflowVm command starts the virtual machine. If the virtual machine is already started, no action is taken.
For more information, use the command Get-Help Start-EflowVm -full
The Stop-EflowVm command stops the virtual machine. If the virtual machine is already stopped, no action is taken.
For more information, use the command Get-Help Stop-EflowVm -full
The Verify-EflowVm command is an exposed function that checks whether the IoT Edge for Linux on Windows virtual machine was created. It takes only common parameters, and it returns True if the virtual machine was created and False if not.
For more information, use the command Get-Help Verify-EflowVm -full
Next steps
Learn how to use these commands to install and provision IoT Edge for Linux on Windows in the following article: