Tutorial: Upload and verify a CA certificate to IoT Hub

When you upload your root certificate authority (CA) certificate or subordinate CA certificate to your IoT hub, you can set it to verified automatically, or manually prove that you own the certificate.

Verify certificate automatically

  1. In the Azure portal, navigate to your IoT hub and select Certificates from the resource menu, under Security settings.

  2. Select Add from the command bar to add a new CA certificate.

  3. Enter a display name in the Certificate name field.

  4. Select the certificate file to add in the Certificate .pem or .cer file field.

  5. To automatically verify the certificate, check the box next to Set certificate status to verified on upload.

    Screenshot showing how to automatically verify the certificate status on upload.

  6. Select Save.

If you chose to automatically verify your certificate during upload, your certificate is shown with its status set to Verified on the Certificates tab of the working pane.

Verify certificate manually after upload

If you didn't choose to automatically verify your certificate during upload, your certificate is shown with its status set to Unverified. You must perform the following steps to manually verify your certificate.

  1. Select the certificate to view the Certificate Details dialog.

  2. Select Generate Verification Code in the dialog.

    Screenshot showing the certificate details dialog.

  3. Copy the verification code to the clipboard. You must use this verification code as the certificate subject in subsequent steps. For example, if the verification code is 75B86466DA34D2B04C0C4C9557A119687ADAE7D4732BDDB3, add that as the subject of your certificate as shown in the next step.

  4. There are three ways to generate a verification certificate:

    • If you're using the PowerShell script supplied by Microsoft, run New-CACertsVerificationCert "<verification code>" to create a certificate named VerifyCert4.cer, replacing <verification code> with the previously generated verification code. For more information, see Tutorial: Use OpenSSL to create test certificates.

    • If you're using the Bash script supplied by Microsoft, run ./certGen.sh create_verification_certificate "<verification code>" to create a certificate named verification-code.cert.pem, replacing <verification code> with the previously generated verification code. For more information, see Tutorial: Use OpenSSL to create test certificates.

    • If you're using OpenSSL to generate your certificates, you must first generate a private key, then generate a certificate signing request (CSR) file. In the following example, replace <verification code> with the previously generated verification code:

      $ openssl genpkey -out pop.key -algorithm RSA -pkeyopt rsa_keygen_bits:2048
      $ openssl req -new -key pop.key -out pop.csr
      Country Name (2 letter code) [XX]:.
      State or Province Name (full name) []:.
      Locality Name (eg, city) [Default City]:.
      Organization Name (eg, company) [Default Company Ltd]:.
      Organizational Unit Name (eg, section) []:.
      Common Name (eg, your name or your server hostname) []:<verification code>
      Email Address []:
      Please enter the following 'extra' attributes
      to be sent with your certificate request
      A challenge password []:
      An optional company name []:

      Then, create a certificate using the appropriate configuration file for either the root CA or the subordinate CA, and the CSR file. The following example demonstrates how to use OpenSSL to create the certificate from a root CA configuration file and the CSR file.

      openssl ca -config rootca.conf -in pop.csr -out pop.crt -extensions client_ext

    For more information, see Tutorial: Use OpenSSL to create test certificates.

  5. Select the new certificate in the Certificate Details view.

  6. After the certificate uploads, select Verify. The certificate status should change to Verified.