Delete network security group flow log storage blobs in Network Watcher

In case you ever need to manually delete flow logs from your storage account, you can use the PowerShell script below. This script only deletes storage blobs that are older than the existing retention policy specified by the user.

Run PowerShell script to delete NSG flow logs

Copy and save the following script to a location such as your current working directory.

# This powershell script deletes all NSG flow log blobs that should not be retained anymore as per configured retention policy.
# While configuring NSG flow logs on Azure portal, the user configures the retention period of NSG flow log blobs in
# their storage account (in days).
# This script reads all blobs and deletes blobs that are not to be retained (outside retention window)
# if the retention days are zero; all blobs are retained forever and hence no blobs are deleted.

param (
        [string] [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)]  $SubscriptionId,
        [string] [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)]  $Location,
        [switch] [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] $Confirm

Connect-AzAccount -Environment AzureChinaCloud

$SubId = Get-AzSubscription| Where-Object {$_.Id.contains($SubscriptionId.ToLower())}

if ($SubId.Count -eq 0)
    Write-Error 'The SubscriptionId does not exist' -ErrorAction Stop

Set-AzContext -SubscriptionId $SubscriptionId

$NsgList = Get-AzNetworkSecurityGroup | Where-Object {$_.Location -eq $Location}
$NW = Get-AzNetworkWatcher | Where-Object {$_.Location -eq $Location}

$FlowLogsList = @()
foreach ($Nsg in $NsgList)
    # Query Flow Log Status which are enabled
    $NsgFlowLog = Get-AzNetworkWatcherFlowLogStatus -NetworkWatcher $NW -TargetResourceId $Nsg.Id | Where-Object {$_.Enabled -eq "True"}
    if ($NsgFlowLog.Count -gt 0)
        $FlowLogsList +=  $NsgFlowLog
        Write-Output ('Enabled NSG found: ' +  $NsgFlowLog.TargetResourceId)

foreach ($Psflowlog in $FlowLogsList)
    $RetentionDays = $Psflowlog.RetentionPolicy.Days
    if ($RetentionDays -le 0)

    $Strings = $Psflowlog.StorageId -split '/'
    $RGName = $Strings[4]
    $StorageAccountName = $Strings[-1]

    $Key = (Get-AzStorageAccountKey -ResourceGroupName $RGName -Name $StorageAccountName).Value[1]
    $StorageAccount = New-AzStorageContext -StorageAccountName $StorageAccountName -StorageAccountKey $Key

    $ContainerName = 'insights-logs-networksecuritygroupflowevent'  
    $BLobsList = Get-AzStorageBlob -Container $ContainerName -Context $StorageAccount.Context

    $TargetBLobsList = $BLobsList | Where-Object {$_.Name.contains($Psflowlog.TargetResourceId.ToUpper())}

    $RetentionDate = Get-Date
    $RetentionDate = $RetentionDate.AddDays(-1*$RetentionDays)
    $RetentionDateInUTC = $RetentionDate.ToUniversalTime()

    foreach ($Blob in $TargetBLobsList)
        $BlobLastModifietedDTinUTC = [datetime]$Blob.LastModified.UtcDateTime

        if ($BlobLastModifietedDTinUTC -ge  $RetentionDateInUTC)
            Write-Output ($Blob.Name + '===>' + $BlobLastModifietedDTinUTC  + ' ===> RETAINED')

        if ($Confirm)
            Write-Output (Blob to be deleted: $Blob.Name)
            $Confirmation = Read-Host "Are you sure you want to remove this blob (Y/N)?"

        if ((-not $Confirm) -or ($Confirmation -eq 'Y'))
            Write-Output ($Blob.Name + '===>' + $BlobLastModifietedDTinUTC  + ' ===> DELETED')
            Remove-AzStorageBlob -Container $ContainerName -Context $StorageAccount.Context -Blob $Blob.Name
            Write-Output ($Blob.Name + '===>' + $BlobLastModifietedDTinUTC  + ' ===> RETAINED')

Write-Output ('Retention policy for all NSGs evaluated and completed successfully')
  1. Enter the following parameters in the script as needed:

    • SubscriptionId [Mandatory]: The subscription ID from where you would like to delete NSG Flow Log blobs.

    • Location [Mandatory]: The location string of the region of the NSGs for which you would like to delete NSG Flow Log blobs. You can view this information on the Azure portal or on GitHub.


      Templates or scripts you downloaded or referenced from the GitHub Repo "azure-quickstart-templates" must be modified in order to fit in the Azure China Cloud Environment. For example, replace some endpoints -- "" by "", "" by ""; change some unsupported Location, VM images, VM sizes, SKU and resource-provider's API Version when necessary.

      In this article, it is necessary to insert the following list in regionMap object of regions.go in Azure China operated by 21Vianet enviroment. "chinaeast": "China East", "chinaeast2": "China East 2", "chinanorth": "China North", "chinanorth2": "China North 2", "chinanorth3": "China North 3",

    • Confirm [Optional]: Pass the confirm flag if you want to manually confirm the deletion of each storage blob.

  2. Run the saved script as shown in the following example, where the script file was saved as Delete-NsgFlowLogsBlobs.ps1:

    .\Delete-NsgFlowLogsBlobs.ps1 -SubscriptionId <subscriptionId> -Location  <location> -Confirm

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