Code snippets for migrating content from Power BI Workspace Collections

This article gives you some code snippets of basic operations needed for content migration. For related flows for certain report types, see How to migrate Power BI Embedded workspace collection content to Power BI.

A migration tool is available for you to use in order to assist with copying content from Power BI Workspace Collections to Power BI Embedded. Especially if you have a lot of content. For more information, see Power BI Embedded migration tool.

The code below are examples using C# and the Power BI .NET SDK.

Make sure you are using the following namespaces to execute the code snippets below.

using Microsoft.IdentityModel.Clients.ActiveDirectory;
using Microsoft.PowerBI.Api.V1;
using Microsoft.PowerBI.Api.V1.Models;
using Microsoft.PowerBI.Api.V2;
using Microsoft.PowerBI.Api.V2.Models;
using Microsoft.Rest;
using Microsoft.Rest.Serialization;
using Newtonsoft.Json;
using Newtonsoft.Json.Linq;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using System.Net;
using System.Net.Http;
using System.Net.Http.Headers;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;

Export report from a Power BI Workspace Collection workspace

    // Create a token credentials with "AppKey" type
    var credentials = new TokenCredentials(<myAppKey==>, "AppKey");

    // Instantiate your Power BI client passing in the required credentials
    var client = new PowerBIClient(credentials);

    client.BaseUri = new Uri("");

    var response = client.Reports.ExportReportWithHttpMessagesAsync(<myWorkspaceCollectionName>, <myWorkspaceId>, <myReportId>);

    if (response.Result.Response.StatusCode == HttpStatusCode.OK)
        var stream = response.Result.Response.Content.ReadAsStreamAsync();

        using (FileStream fileStream = File.Create(@"C:\Migration\myfile.pbix"))

Import report to Power BI Embedded

    AuthenticationContext authContext = new AuthenticationContext("");
    var PBISaaSAuthResult = authContext.AcquireToken("", <myClientId>, new Uri("urn:ietf:wg:oauth:2.0:oob"), PromptBehavior.Always);
    var credentials = new TokenCredentials(PBISaaSAuthResult.AccessToken);
    var client = new PowerBIClient(new Uri($"{""}"), credentials);
    using (var file = File.Open(@"C:\Migration\myfile.pbix", FileMode.Open))
        client.Imports.PostImportWithFileInGroup(<mySaaSWorkspaceId>, file, "importedreport", "Abort");
        while (true) ;

Extract DirectQuery connection string from Power BI Workspace Collections

This is for updating the PBIX after migrating to Power BI Embedded.

    // Extract connection string from PaaS - DirectQuery report
    // Create a token credentials with "AppKey" type
    var credentials = new TokenCredentials(<myAppKey==>, "AppKey");

    // Instantiate your Power BI client passing in the required credentials
    var client = new PowerBIClient(credentials);

    client.BaseUri = new Uri("");

    var reports = client.Reports.GetReports(<myWorkspaceCollectionName>, <myWorkspaceId>);

    Report report = reports.Value.FirstOrDefault(r => string.Equals(r.Id, <myReportId, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase));

    var datasource = client.Datasets.GetDatasources(<myWorkspaceCollectionName>, <myWorkspaceId>, report.DatasetId);

Update DirectQuery connection string in Power BI Embedded

    public class ConnectionString
        [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "connectionString")]
        public string connection { get; set; }

    AuthenticationContext authContext = new AuthenticationContext("");
    var PBISaaSAuthResult = authContext.AcquireToken("",<myclient_id>, new Uri("urn:ietf:wg:oauth:2.0:oob"), PromptBehavior.Always);
    var credentials = new TokenCredentials(PBISaaSAuthResult.AccessToken);
    var client = new PowerBIClient(new Uri($"{""}"), credentials);

    ConnectionString connection = new ConnectionString() { connection = "data source = <server_name>; initial catalog = <db_name>; persist security info = True; encrypt = True; trustservercertificate = False" };

    client.Datasets.SetAllConnectionsInGroup(<myWorkspaceId>, <dataset_id>, connection);

Set DirectQuery credentials in Power BI Embedded

In this snippet, we are using unencrypted credentials for simplicity, sending encrypted credentials is supported as well.

    public class ConnectionString
        [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "connectionString")]
        public string connection { get; set; }

    public class BasicCreds
        [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "username")]
        public string user { get; set; }

        [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "password")]
        public string pwd { get; set; }

    var basicCreds = new BasicCreds() { user = <sqldb_username>, pwd = <sqldb_password> };
    var body = new SetCredsRequestBody() { credentialType = "Basic", basicCreds = basicCreds };

    var url = string.Format("{0}/datasources/{1}", <gateway_id>, <datasource_id>);
    var request = new HttpRequestMessage(new HttpMethod("PATCH"), url);
    // Set authorization header from you acquired Azure AD token
    AuthenticationContext authContext = new AuthenticationContext("");
    var PBISaaSAuthResult = authContext.AcquireToken("", <myclient_id>, new Uri("urn:ietf:wg:oauth:2.0:oob"), PromptBehavior.Always);

    request.Headers.Authorization = new AuthenticationHeaderValue("Bearer", PBISaaSAuthResult.AccessToken);

    request.Content = new StringContent(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(body), Encoding.UTF8, "application/json");

    HttpClient simpleClient = new HttpClient();
    var response = await simpleClient.SendAsync(request);

Push dataset and report

You will need to rebuild the report for the created dataset.

In this snippet, we assume that the pushable dataset is already in an app workspace within Power BI. For information about the push API, see Push data into a Power BI dataset.

    var credentials = new TokenCredentials(<Your WSC access key>, "AppKey");

    // Instantiate your Power BI client passing in the required credentials
    var client = new Microsoft.PowerBI.Api.V1.PowerBIClient(credentials);
    client.BaseUri = new Uri("");

    // step 1 -> create dummy dataset at PaaS worksapce
    var fileStream = File.OpenRead(<Path to your dummy dataset>);
    var import = client.Imports.PostImportWithFileAsync(<Your WSC NAME>, <Your workspace ID>, fileStream, "dummyDataset");
    while (import.Result.ImportState != "Succeeded" && import.Result.ImportState != "Failed")
        import = client.Imports.GetImportByIdAsync(<Your WSC NAME>, <Your workspace ID>, import.Result.Id);
    var dummyDatasetID = import.Result.Datasets[0].Id;

	// step 2 -> clone the pushable dataset and rebind to dummy dataset
    var cloneInfo = new Microsoft.PowerBI.Api.V1.Models.CloneReportRequest("pushableReportClone",null, dummyDatasetID);
    var clone = client.Reports.CloneReportAsync(<Your WSC NAME>, <Your workspace ID>, <Your pushable report ID>, cloneInfo);
    var pushableReportCloneID = clone.Result.Id;

    // step 3 -> Download the push API clone report with the dummy dataset
    var response = client.Reports.ExportReportWithHttpMessagesAsync(<Your WSC NAME>, <Your workspace ID>, pushableReportCloneID);
    if (response.Result.Response.StatusCode == HttpStatusCode.OK)
        var stream = response.Result.Response.Content.ReadAsStreamAsync();
        using (fileStream = File.Create(@"C:\Migration\PushAPIReport.pbix"))

    // step 4 -> Upload dummy PBIX to Power BI Embedded
    AuthenticationContext authContext = new AuthenticationContext("");
    var PBISaaSAuthResult = authContext.AcquireToken("", <Your client ID>, new Uri("urn:ietf:wg:oauth:2.0:oob"), PromptBehavior.Always);
    var credentialsSaaS = new TokenCredentials(PBISaaSAuthResult.AccessToken);
    var clientSaaS = new Microsoft.PowerBI.Api.V2.PowerBIClient(new Uri($"{""}"), credentialsSaaS);
    using (var file = File.Open(@"C:\Migration\PushAPIReport.pbix", FileMode.Open))

        var importSaaS = clientSaaS.Imports.PostImportWithFileAsyncInGroup(<Your GroupID>, file, "importedreport1", "Abort");
        while (importSaaS.Result.ImportState != "Succeeded" && importSaaS.Result.ImportState != "Failed")
            importSaaS = clientSaaS.Imports.GetImportByIdAsync(importSaaS.Result.Id);
        var importedreport1ID = importSaaS.Result.Reports[0].Id;

        // step 5 -> Rebind report to "real" push api dataset
        var rebindInfoSaaS = new Microsoft.PowerBI.Api.V2.Models.RebindReportRequest(<Your pushable dataset  ID at power bi>);
        var rebindSaaS = clientSaaS.Reports.RebindReportInGroupWithHttpMessagesAsync(<Your GroupID>, importedreport1ID, rebindInfoSaaS);


Next steps

For information on the migration process, see How to migrate Power BI Workspace Collection content to Power BI Embedded.

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