使用示例查询替换流量分析架构中的已弃用字段(2020 年 3 月架构更新)


  • SrcPublicIPs_s
  • DestPublicIPs_s
  • NSGRule_s

新字段提供有关源和目标 IP 地址的信息并且可以简化查询。


  • VMIP_s
  • Subscription_g
  • Region_s
  • NSGRules_s
  • Subnet_s
  • VM_s
  • NIC_s
  • PublicIPs_s
  • FlowCount_d


示例 1:VMIP_sSubscription_gRegion_sSubnet_sVM_sNIC_sPublicIPs_s 字段

此架构不必从 AzurePublic 和 ExternalPublic 流的 FlowDirection_s 字段中推断源和目标情况。 对于网络虚拟设备,FlowDirection_s 字段也可能不适合使用。

上一个 Kusto 查询:

| where SubType_s == "FlowLog" and FASchemaVersion_s == "1"
| extend isAzureOrExternalPublicFlows = FlowType_s in ("AzurePublic", "ExternalPublic")
| extend SourceAzureVM = iif(isAzureOrExternalPublicFlows, iif(FlowDirection_s == 'O', VM_s, "N/A"), VM1_s),
SourceAzureVMIP = iif(isAzureOrExternalPublicFlows, iif(FlowDirection_s == 'O', VM_s, "N/A"), SrcIP_s),
SourceAzureVMSubscription = iif(isAzureOrExternalPublicFlows, iif(FlowDirection_s == 'O', Subscription_g, "N/A"), Subscription1_g),
SourceAzureRegion = iif(isAzureOrExternalPublicFlows, iif(FlowDirection_s == 'O', Region_s, "N/A"), Region1_s),
SourceAzureSubnet = iif(isAzureOrExternalPublicFlows, iif(FlowDirection_s == 'O', Subnet_s, "N/A"), Subnet1_s),
SourceAzureNIC = iif(isAzureOrExternalPublicFlows, iif(FlowDirection_s == 'O', NIC_s, "N/A"), NIC1_s),
DestAzureVM = iif(isAzureOrExternalPublicFlows, iif(FlowDirection_s == 'I', VM_s, "N/A"), VM2_s),
DestAzureVMIP = iif(isAzureOrExternalPublicFlows, iif(FlowDirection_s == 'I', VM_s, "N/A"), DestIP_s),
DestAzureVMSubscription = iif(isAzureOrExternalPublicFlows, iif(FlowDirection_s == 'I', Subscription_g, "N/A"), Subscription2_g),
DestAzureRegion = iif(isAzureOrExternalPublicFlows, iif(FlowDirection_s == 'I', Region_s, "N/A"), Region2_s),
DestAzureSubnet = iif(isAzureOrExternalPublicFlows, iif(FlowDirection_s == 'I', Subnet_s, "N/A"), Subnet2_s),
DestAzureNIC = iif(isAzureOrExternalPublicFlows, iif(FlowDirection_s == 'I', NIC_s, "N/A"), NIC2_s),
SourcePublicIPsAggregated = iif(isAzureOrExternalPublicFlows and FlowDirection_s == 'I', PublicIPs_s, "N/A"),
DestPublicIPsAggregated = iif(isAzureOrExternalPublicFlows and FlowDirection_s == 'O', PublicIPs_s, "N/A")

新建 Kusto 查询:

| where SubType_s == "FlowLog" and FASchemaVersion_s == "2"
| extend SourceAzureVM = iif(isnotempty(VM1_s), VM1_s, "N/A"),
SourceAzureVMIP = iif(isnotempty(SrcIP_s), SrcIP_s, "N/A"),
SourceAzureVMSubscription = iif(isnotempty(Subscription1_g), Subscription1_g, "N/A"),
SourceAzureRegion = iif(isnotempty(Region1_s), Region1_s, "N/A"),
SourceAzureSubnet = iif(isnotempty(Subnet1_s), Subnet1_s, "N/A"),
SourceAzureNIC = iif(isnotempty(NIC1_s), NIC1_s, "N/A"),
DestAzureVM = iif(isnotempty(VM2_s), VM2_s, "N/A"),
DestAzureVMIP = iif(isnotempty(DestIP_s), DestIP_s, "N/A"),
DestAzureVMSubscription = iif(isnotempty(Subscription2_g), Subscription2_g, "N/A"),
DestAzureRegion = iif(isnotempty(Region2_s), Region2_s, "N/A"),
DestAzureSubnet = iif(isnotempty(Subnet2_s), Subnet2_s, "N/A"),
DestAzureNIC = iif(isnotempty(NIC2_s), NIC2_s, "N/A"),
SourcePublicIPsAggregated = iif(isnotempty(SrcPublicIPs_s), SrcPublicIPs_s, "N/A"),
DestPublicIPsAggregated = iif(isnotempty(DestPublicIPs_s), DestPublicIPs_s, "N/A")

示例 2:NSGRules_s 字段


<Index value 0)>|<NSG_ RuleName>|<Flow Direction>|<Flow Status>|<FlowCount ProcessedByRule>

该架构不再跨网络安全组 (NSG) 聚合数据。 在更新的架构中,NSGList_s 仅包含一个网络安全组。 此外,NSGRules 也只包含一条规则。 如以下示例所示,我们删除了此处的和其他字段中的复杂格式。

上一个 Kusto 查询:

| where SubType_s == "FlowLog" and FASchemaVersion_s == "1"
| extend NSGRuleComponents = split(NSGRules_s, "|")
| extend NSGName = NSGList_s // remains same
| extend NSGRuleName = NSGRuleComponents[1],
         FlowDirection = NSGRuleComponents[2],
         FlowStatus = NSGRuleComponents[3],
         FlowCountProcessedByRule = NSGRuleComponents[4]
| project NSGName, NSGRuleName, FlowDirection, FlowStatus, FlowCountProcessedByRule

新建 Kusto 查询:

| where SubType_s == "FlowLog" and FASchemaVersion_s == "2"
| extend NSGRuleComponents = split(NSGRules_s, "|")
| project NSGName = NSGList_s,
NSGRuleName = NSGRule_s ,
FlowDirection = FlowDirection_s,
FlowStatus = FlowStatus_s,
FlowCountProcessedByRule = AllowedInFlows_d + DeniedInFlows_d + AllowedOutFlows_d + DeniedOutFlows_d

示例 3:FlowCount_d 字段

由于架构不会跨网络安全组聚合数据,因此 FlowCount_d 就是:

AllowedInFlows_d + DeniedInFlows_d + AllowedOutFlows_d + DeniedOutFlows_d

这四个字段中只有一个是非零的。 其他三个字段为零。 将填充这些字段以指示捕获流的 NIC 中的状态和计数。


  • 如果已允许该流,则填充前缀为 Allowed 的字段之一。
  • 如果已拒绝该流,则填充前缀为 Denied 的字段之一。
  • 如果该流为入站流,则填充后缀为 InFlows_d 的字段之一。
  • 如果该流为出站流,则填充后缀为 OutFlows_d 的字段之一。

