Microsoft Entra audit log categories and activities

Microsoft Entra audit logs collect all traceable activities within your Microsoft Entra tenant. Audit logs can be used to determine who made a change to service, user, group, or other item.

This article provides a comprehensive list of the audit categories and their related activities. To jump to a specific audit category, use the "In this article" section.

Audit log activities and categories change periodically. The tables are updated regularly, but might not be in sync with what is available in Microsoft Entra ID. Provide us with feedback if you think there's a missing audit category or activity.

  1. Sign in to the Microsoft Entra admin center as at least a Reports Reader.
  2. Browse to Identity > Monitoring & health > Audit logs.
  3. Adjust the filters accordingly.
  4. To view the details, select a row from the resulting table.

Microsoft Entra Management UX

Audit Category Activity
AdministrativeUnit Bulk add members to administrative unit - finished (bulk)
AdministrativeUnit Bulk remove members to administrative unit - finished (bulk)
AdministrativeUnit started (bulk)
DeviceManagement Bulk add authentication devices - finished (bulk)
DeviceManagement Download devices - finished (bulk)
DeviceManagement started (bulk)
DirectoryManagement Bulk download hardware tokens - finished (bulk)
DirectoryManagement Download registration and reset events - finished (bulk)
DirectoryManagement Download role assignments - finished (bulk)
DirectoryManagement Download service principals - finished (bulk)
DirectoryManagement Download user registration details - finished (bulk)
DirectoryManagement Download users - finished (bulk)
DirectoryManagement Export summary data - finished (bulk)
DirectoryManagement Export summary data new - finished (bulk)
DirectoryManagement started (bulk)
GroupManagement Bulk import group members - finished (bulk)
GroupManagement Bulk remove group members - finished (bulk)
GroupManagement Download group members - finished (bulk)
GroupManagement Download groups - finished (bulk)
GroupManagement started (bulk)
Policy Add blocked user
Policy Add bypass user
Policy Clear block on user
Policy Remove bypassed user
Policy Update Sign-In Risk Policy
Policy Update User Risk and MFA Registration Policy
UserManagement Bulk create users - finished (bulk)
UserManagement Bulk delete users - finished (bulk)
UserManagement Bulk invite users - finished (bulk)
UserManagement Bulk restore deleted users - finished (bulk)
UserManagement Download users - finished (bulk)
UserManagement started (bulk)

Access reviews

With Microsoft Entra ID Governance access reviews, you can ensure users have the appropriate access. Access review audit logs can tell you who initiated or ended an access review. These logs can also tell you if any access review settings were changed.

Audit Category Activity
DirectoryManagement Create program
DirectoryManagement Link program control
DirectoryManagement Unlink program control
Policy Access review ended
Policy Apply decision
Policy Approve decision
Policy Bulk Approve decisions
Policy Bulk Deny decisions
Policy Bulk Reset decisions
Policy Bulk mark decisions as don't know
Policy Cancel request
Policy Create access review
Policy Create request
Policy Delete access review
Policy Delete approvals
Policy Deny decision
Policy Don't know decision
Policy Request expired
Policy Reset decision
Policy Update access review
Policy Update partner directory settings
Policy Update request
UserManagement Apply review
UserManagement Approve all requests in business flow
UserManagement Auto review
UserManagement Auto apply review
UserManagement Create business flow
UserManagement Create governance policy template
UserManagement Delete access review
UserManagement Delete business flow
UserManagement Delete governance policy template
UserManagement Deny all decisions
UserManagement Deny all requests in business flow
UserManagement Request approved
UserManagement Request denied
UserManagement Update business flow
UserManagement Update governance policy template

Authentication Methods

The Audit logs for Authentication Methods can be used to make sure that your users have registered their mobile device properly to enable multifactor authentication.

Audit events related to GDPR and data protection are also found in this service and are found in the DirectoryManagement category. These events include strings like MFA.CosmosDB.mfa-prd-cust-rpt-eu.activations and DSR Export: MFA.PostgreSQL.bypassed_users_creations.


For information about viewing or deleting personal data, see Azure Data Subject Requests for the GDPR. For more information about GDPR, see the GDPR section of the Microsoft Trust Center and the GDPR section of the Service Trust portal.

Audit Category Activity
ApplicationManagement Assign Hardware Oath Token
ApplicationManagement Authentication Methods Policy Reset
ApplicationManagement Authentication Methods Policy Update
ApplicationManagement Authentication Strength Combination Configuration Create
ApplicationManagement Authentication Strength Combination Configuration Delete
ApplicationManagement Authentication Strength Combination Configuration Update
ApplicationManagement Authentication Strength Policy Create
ApplicationManagement Authentication Strength Policy Delete
ApplicationManagement Authentication Strength Policy Update
ApplicationManagement Bulk upload Hardware Oath Token
ApplicationManagement Create Hardware Oath Token
ApplicationManagement DELETE Subscription.DeleteProviders
ApplicationManagement DELETE Tenant.DeleteAgentStatuses
ApplicationManagement DELETE Tenant.DeleteCaches
ApplicationManagement DELETE Tenant.DeleteGreetings
ApplicationManagement Delete Hardware Oath Token
ApplicationManagement PATCH Tenant.Patch
ApplicationManagement PATCH Tenant.PatchCaches
ApplicationManagement PATCH UserAuthMethod.PatchSignInPreferencesAsync
ApplicationManagement POST SoundFile.Post
ApplicationManagement Subscription.CreateProvider
ApplicationManagement Subscription.CreateSubscription
ApplicationManagement POST Tenant.CreateBlockedUser
ApplicationManagement POST Tenant.CreateBypassedUser
ApplicationManagement POST Tenant.CreateCacheConfig
ApplicationManagement POST Tenant.CreateGreeting
ApplicationManagement POST Tenant.CreateOemTenant
ApplicationManagement POST Tenant.CreateTenant
ApplicationManagement POST Tenant.GenerateNewActivationCredentials
ApplicationManagement POST Tenant.RemoveBlockedUser
ApplicationManagement POST Tenant.RemoveBypassedUser
ApplicationManagement Update Hardware Oath Token
DirectoryManagement DELETE Subscription.DeleteProviders
DirectoryManagement DELETE Tenant.DeleteAgentStatuses
DirectoryManagement DELETE Tenant.DeleteCaches
DirectoryManagement DELETE Tenant.DeleteGreetings
DirectoryManagement DSR Delete: MFA.CosmosDB.mfa-prd-cust-rpt-au.activations
DirectoryManagement DSR Delete: MFA.CosmosDB.mfa-prd-cust-rpt-au.authentications
DirectoryManagement DSR Delete: MFA.CosmosDB.mfa-prd-cust-rpt-cn.activations
DirectoryManagement DSR Delete: MFA.CosmosDB.mfa-prd-cust-rpt-cn.authentications
DirectoryManagement DSR Delete: MFA.CosmosDB.mfa-prd-cust-rpt-eu.activations
DirectoryManagement DSR Delete: MFA.CosmosDB.mfa-prd-cust-rpt-eu.authentications
DirectoryManagement DSR Delete: MFA.CosmosDB.mfa-prd-cust-rpt-ff.activations
DirectoryManagement DSR Delete: MFA.CosmosDB.mfa-prd-cust-rpt-ff.authentications
DirectoryManagement DSR Delete: MFA.CosmosDB.mfa-prd-cust-rpt-ge.activations
DirectoryManagement DSR Delete: MFA.CosmosDB.mfa-prd-cust-rpt-ge.authentications
DirectoryManagement DSR Delete: MFA.CosmosDB.mfa-prd-cust-rpt-gv.activations
DirectoryManagement DSR Delete: MFA.CosmosDB.mfa-prd-cust-rpt-gv.authentications
DirectoryManagement DSR Delete: MFA.CosmosDB.mfa-prd-cust-rpt-ww.activations
DirectoryManagement DSR Delete: MFA.CosmosDB.mfa-prd-cust-rpt-ww.authentications
DirectoryManagement DSR Delete: MFA.PostgreSQL.blocked_users
DirectoryManagement DSR Delete: MFA.PostgreSQL.blocked_users_completions
DirectoryManagement DSR Delete: MFA.PostgreSQL.blocked_creations
DirectoryManagement DSR Delete: MFA.PostgreSQL.bypassed_users_completions
DirectoryManagement DSR Delete: MFA.PostgreSQL.bypassed_users_creations
DirectoryManagement DSR Delete: MFA.PostgreSQL.change_request_statuses
DirectoryManagement DSR Delete: MFA.PostgreSQL.change_request
DirectoryManagement DSR Export: MFA.CosmosDB.mfa-prd-cust-rpt-au.activations
DirectoryManagement DSR Export: MFA.CosmosDB.mfa-prd-cust-rpt-au.authentications
DirectoryManagement DSR Export: MFA.CosmosDB.mfa-prd-cust-rpt-cn.activations
DirectoryManagement DSR Export: MFA.CosmosDB.mfa-prd-cust-rpt-cn.authentications
DirectoryManagement DSR Export: MFA.CosmosDB.mfa-prd-cust-rpt-eu.activations
DirectoryManagement DSR Export: MFA.CosmosDB.mfa-prd-cust-rpt-eu.authentications
DirectoryManagement DSR Export: MFA.CosmosDB.mfa-prd-cust-rpt-ff.activations
DirectoryManagement DSR Export: MFA.CosmosDB.mfa-prd-cust-rpt-ff.authentications
DirectoryManagement DSR Export: MFA.CosmosDB.mfa-prd-cust-rpt-ge.activations
DirectoryManagement DSR Export: MFA.CosmosDB.mfa-prd-cust-rpt-ge.authentications
DirectoryManagement DSR Export: MFA.CosmosDB.mfa-prd-cust-rpt-gv.activations
DirectoryManagement DSR Export: MFA.CosmosDB.mfa-prd-cust-rpt-gv.authentications
DirectoryManagement DSR Export: MFA.CosmosDB.mfa-prd-cust-rpt-ww.activations
DirectoryManagement DSR Export: MFA.CosmosDB.mfa-prd-cust-rpt-ww.authentications
DirectoryManagement DSR Export: MFA.PostgreSQL.blocked_users
DirectoryManagement DSR Export: MFA.PostgreSQL.blocked_users_completions
DirectoryManagement DSR Export: MFA.PostgreSQL.blocked_creations
DirectoryManagement DSR Export: MFA.PostgreSQL.bypassed_users_completions
DirectoryManagement DSR Export: MFA.PostgreSQL.bypassed_users_creations
DirectoryManagement DSR Export: MFA.PostgreSQL.change_request_statuses
DirectoryManagement DSR Export: MFA.PostgreSQL.change_request
DirectoryManagement PATCH Tenant.Patch
DirectoryManagement PATCH Tenant.PatchCaches
DirectoryManagement POST SoundFile.Post
DirectoryManagement POST Subscription.CreateProvider
DirectoryManagement POST Subscription.CreateSubscription
DirectoryManagement POST Tenant.CreateBlockedUser
DirectoryManagement POST Tenant.CreateBypassedUser
DirectoryManagement POST Tenant.CreateCacheConfig
DirectoryManagement POST Tenant.CreateGreeting
DirectoryManagement POST Tenant.CreateTenant
DirectoryManagement POST Tenant.GenerateNewActivationCredentials
DirectoryManagement POST Tenant.RemoveBlockedUser
DirectoryManagement POST TenantRemoveBypassedUser
UserManagement Admin deleted security info
UserManagement Admin registered security info
UserManagement Admin started password reset
UserManagement Admin updated security info
UserManagement Get passkey creation options
UserManagement User canceled security info registration
UserManagement User changed default security info
UserManagement User deleted security info
UserManagement User registered all required security info
UserManagement User registered security info
UserManagement User reviewed security info
UserManagement User started password change
UserManagement user started password reset
UserManagement User started security info registration
UserManagement User updated security info

Microsoft Entra Recommendations

Microsoft Entra Recommendations monitors your Microsoft Entra tenant and provides personalized insights and actionable guidance to implement best practices for Microsoft Entra features and optimize your tenant configurations. These logs provide a history of the changes made to the status of a recommendation.

Audit Category Activity
DirectoryManagement Dismiss recommendation
DirectoryManagement Mark recommendation as complete
DirectoryManagement Postpone recommendation

Microsoft Entra multifactor authentication

The Microsoft Entra multifactor authentication audit logs can help you track trends in suspicious activity or when fraud was reported. Use the Microsoft Entra sign-in logs to see each time a user signs in when MFA is required.

Audit Category Activity
UserManagement Fraud reported - no action taken
UserManagement Fraud reported - user is blocked for MFA
UserManagement Suspicious activity reported
UserManagement User registered security info

B2B Auth

Audit Category Activity
UserManagement Redeem extern user invite


This set of audit logs is related to B2C. Due to the number of connected resources and potential external accounts, this service has a large set of categories and activities. Audit categories include ApplicationManagement, Authentication, Authorization, DirectoryManagement, KeyManagement, PolicyManagement, and ResourceManagement. Logs related to one-time passwords are found in the Other category.

Audit Category Activity
ApplicationManagement Add V2 application permissions
ApplicationManagement Create V2 application
ApplicationManagement Delete V2 application
ApplicationManagement Delete V2 application permission grant
ApplicationManagement Get V1 and V2 applications
ApplicationManagement Get V1 application
ApplicationManagement Get V1 applications
ApplicationManagement Get V2 application
ApplicationManagement Get V2 applications
ApplicationManagement Retrieve V2 application permissions grants
ApplicationManagement Retrieve V2 application service principals
ApplicationManagement Update V2 application
ApplicationManagement Update V2 application permission grant
Authentication A self-service sign-up request was completed
Authentication An API was called as part of a user flow
Authentication Delete all available strong authentication devices
Authentication Evaluate Conditional Access policies
Authentication Exchange token
Authentication Federate with an identity provider
Authentication Get available strong authentication devices
Authentication Issue a SAML assertion to the application
Authentication Issue an access token to the application
Authentication Issue an authorization code to the application
Authentication Issue an id_token to the application
Authentication Make phone call to verify phone number
Authentication Register TOTP secret
Authentication Remediate user
Authentication Send SMS to verify phone number
Authentication Send verification email
Authentication Validate Client Credentials
Authentication Validate local account credentials
Authentication Validate user authentication
Authentication Verify email address
Authentication verify one time password
Authentication Verify phone number
Authorization Add v2 application permissions
Authorization Check whether the resource name is available
Authorization Create API connector
Authorization Create Identity Provider
Authorization Create authenticationEventListener
Authorization Create authenticationEventsFlow
Authorization Create custom identity provider
Authorization Create custom policy
Authorization Create customAuthenticationExtension
Authorization Create or update a B2C directory resource
Authorization Create or update a B2C directory tenant and resource
Authorization Create or update a CIAM directory tenant and resource
Authorization Create or update a Guest Usages resource
Authorization Create or update localized resource
Authorization Create policy key
Authorization Create starter pack
Authorization Create user attribute
Authorization Create user flow
Authorization Create v2 application
Authorization Delete API connector
Authorization Delete B2C Tenant where the caller is an administrator
Authorization Delete B2C directory resource
Authorization Delete CIAM directory resource
Authorization Delete Guest Usages resource
Authorization Delete Identity Provider
Authorization Delete authenticationEventlistener
Authorization Delete authenticationEventsFlow
Authorization Delete custom policy
Authorization Delete customAuthenticationExtension
Authorization Delete localized resource
Authorization Delete policy key
Authorization Delete user attribute
Authorization Delete user flow
Authorization Delete v2 application
Authorization Delete v2 application permission grant
Authorization Generate key
Authorization Get API connector
Authorization Get API connectors
Authorization Get B2C Tenants where the caller is an administrator
Authorization Get B2C directory resource
Authorization Get B2C directory resources in a resource group
Authorization Get B2C directory resources in a subscription
Authorization Get CIAM directory resource
Authorization Get CIAM directory resources in a resource group
Authorization Get CIAM directory resources in a subscription
Authorization Get Guest Usages resources
Authorization Get Guest Usages resources in a subscription
Authorization Get Identity Provider
Authorization Get Identity Providers
Authorization Get OnAttributeCollectionStartCustomExtension
Authorization Get OnAttributeCollectionSubmitCustomExtension
Authorization Get OnPageRenderStartCustomExtension
Authorization Get active key metadata from policy key
Authorization Get age gating configuration
Authorization Get authentication flows policy
Authorization Get authenticationEventListener
Authorization Get authenticationEventsFlow
Authorization Get authenticationEventsFlows
Authorization Get available output claims
Authorization Get configured custom identity providers
Authorization Get configured identity providers
Authorization Get configured local identity providers
Authorization Get custom domains
Authorization Get custom identity provider
Authorization Get custom policies
Authorization Get custom policy
Authorization Get custom policy metadata
Authorization Get customAuthenticationExtension
Authorization Get customAuthenticationExtensions
Authorization Get identity provider types
Authorization Get list of tenants
Authorization Get localized resource
Authorization Get operation status for an async operation
Authorization Get operations of Microsoft.AzureActiveDirectory resource provider
Authorization Get policy key
Authorization Get policy keys
Authorization Get resource properties of a tenant
Authorization Get supported cultures
Authorization Get supported identity providers
Authorization Get supported page contracts
Authorization Get tenant details
Authorization Get tenant domains
Authorization Get the authenticationEventsPolicy
Authorization Get user attribute
Authorization Get user attributes
Authorization Get user flow
Authorization Get user flows
Authorization Get v1 and v2 applications
Authorization Get v1 application
Authorization Get v1 applications
Authorization Get v2 application
Authorization Get v2 applications
Authorization Initialize tenant
Authorization Move resources
Authorization Restore policy key
Authorization Retrieve v2 application permissions grants
Authorization Retrieve v2 application service principals
Authorization Update API connector
Authorization Update Identity Provider
Authorization Update OnAttributeCollectionStartCustomExtension
Authorization Update OnAttributeCollectionSubmitCustomExtension
Authorization Update OnPageRenderStartCustomExtension
Authorization Update a B2C directory resource
Authorization Update a CIAM directory resource
Authorization Update a Guest Usages resource
Authorization Update age gating configuration
Authorization Update authentication flows policy
Authorization Update authenticationEventListener
Authorization Update authenticationEventsFlow
Authorization Update authenticationEventsPolicy
Authorization Update custom identity provider
Authorization Update custom policy
Authorization Update customAuthenticationExtension
Authorization Update identity provider
Authorization Update local identity provider
Authorization Update policy key
Authorization Update subscription status
Authorization Update user attribute
Authorization Update user flow
Authorization Update v2 application
Authorization Update v2 application permission grant
Authorization Upload certificate to policy key
Authorization Upload key to policy key
Authorization Upload secret into policy key
Authorization Validate customExtension authenticationConfiguration
Authorization Validate move resources
Directory Management Get age gating configuration
Directory Management Get custom domains
Directory Management Get list of tenants
Directory Management Get resources properties of a tenant
Directory Management Get tenant details
Directory Management Get tenant domains
Directory Management Initialize tenant
Directory Management Update age gating configuration
KeyManagement Create policy key
KeyManagement Delete policy key
KeyManagement Get active key metadata from policy key
KeyManagement Get policy key
KeyManagement Get policy keys
KeyManagement Restore policy key
KeyManagement Upload key to policy key
KeyManagement Upload secret into policy key
Other Generate one time password
Other Verify one time password
PolicyManagement Create authenticationEventListener
PolicyManagement Create authenticationEventsFlow
PolicyManagement Create customAuthenticationExtension
PolicyManagement Delete authenticationEventListener
PolicyManagement Delete authenticationEventsFlow
PolicyManagement Delete customAuthenticationExtension
PolicyManagement Get OnAttributeCollectionStartCustomExtension
PolicyManagement Get OnAttributeCollectionSubmitCustomExtension
PolicyManagement Get OnPageRenderStartCustomExtension
PolicyManagement Get authenticationEventListener
PolicyManagement Get authenticationEventListeners
PolicyManagement Get authenticationEventsFlow
PolicyManagement Get authenticationEventsFlows
PolicyManagement Get customAuthenticationExtension
PolicyManagement Get customAuthenticationExtensions
PolicyManagement Get the authenticationEventsPolicy
PolicyManagement Update OnAttributeCollectionStartCustomExtension
PolicyManagement Update OnAttributeCollectionSubmitCustomExtension
PolicyManagement Update OnPageRenderStartCustomExtension
PolicyManagement Update authenticationEventListener
PolicyManagement Update authenticationEventsFlow
PolicyManagement Update authenticationEventsPolicy
PolicyManagement Update customAuthenticationExtension
PolicyManagement Validate customExtension authenticationConfiguration
ResourceManagement Check whether the resource name is available
ResourceManagement Create API connector
ResourceManagement Create Identity Provider
ResourceManagement Create custom identity provider
ResourceManagement Create custom policy
ResourceManagement Create or update a B2C directory resource
ResourceManagement Create or update a B2C directory tenant and resource
ResourceManagement Create or update a CIAM directory tenant and resource
ResourceManagement Create or update a Guest Usages resource
ResourceManagement Create or update a localized resource
ResourceManagement Create policy key
ResourceManagement Create user attribute
ResourceManagement Create user flow
ResourceManagement Delete API connector
ResourceManagement Delete B2C Tenant where the caller is an administrator
ResourceManagement Delete B2C directory resource
ResourceManagement Delete CIAM directory resource
ResourceManagement Delete Guest Usages resource
ResourceManagement Delete Identity Provider
ResourceManagement Delete custom policy
ResourceManagement Delete localized resource
ResourceManagement Delete policy key
ResourceManagement Delete user attribute
ResourceManagement Delete user flow
ResourceManagement Generate key
ResourceManagement Get API connector
ResourceManagement Get API connectors
ResourceManagement Get B2C Tenant where the caller is an administrator
ResourceManagement Get B2C directory resource
ResourceManagement Get B2C directory resources in a resource group
ResourceManagement Get B2C directory resources in a subscription
ResourceManagement Get CIAM directory resource
ResourceManagement Get CIAM directory resources in a resource group
ResourceManagement Get CIAM directory resources in a subscription
ResourceManagement Get Guest Usages resource
ResourceManagement Get Guest Usages directory resources in a resource group
ResourceManagement Get Guest Usages directory resources in a subscription
ResourceManagement Get Identity Provider
ResourceManagement Get Identity Providers
ResourceManagement Get active key metadata from policy key
ResourceManagement Get authentication flows policy
ResourceManagement Get available output claims
ResourceManagement Get configured custom identity providers
ResourceManagement Get configured identity providers
ResourceManagement Get configured local identity providers
ResourceManagement Get custom identity provider
ResourceManagement Get custom policies
ResourceManagement Get custom policy
ResourceManagement Get custom policy metadata
ResourceManagement Get identity provider
ResourceManagement Get identity provider types
ResourceManagement Get identity providers
ResourceManagement Get localized resource
ResourceManagement Get operation status of an async operation
ResourceManagement Get operations of Microsoft.AzureActiveDirectory resource provider
ResourceManagement Get policy key
ResourceManagement Get policy keys
ResourceManagement Get supported cultures
ResourceManagement Get supported identity providers
ResourceManagement Get supported page contracts
ResourceManagement Get user attribute
ResourceManagement Get user attributes
ResourceManagement Get user flow
ResourceManagement Get user flows
ResourceManagement Move resources
ResourceManagement Update API connector
ResourceManagement Identity Provider
ResourceManagement Update B2C directory resource
ResourceManagement Update CIAM directory resource
ResourceManagement Update Guest Usages resource
ResourceManagement Update authentication flows policy
ResourceManagement Update custom identity provider
ResourceManagement Update custom policy
ResourceManagement Update identity provider
ResourceManagement Update local identity provider
ResourceManagement Update policy key
ResourceManagement Update subscription status
ResourceManagement Update user attribute
ResourceManagement Update user flow
ResourceManagement Update certificate to policy key
ResourceManagement Update secret into policy key
ResourceManagement Validate move resources

Conditional Access

Use these logs to see when changes were made to your Conditional Access policies.

Audit Category Activity
Policy Add AuthenticationContextClassReference
Policy Add Conditional Access policy
Policy Add named location
Policy Delete AuthenticationContextClassReference
Policy Delete Conditional Access policy
Policy Delete named location
Policy Update AuthenticationContextClassReference
Policy Update Conditional Access policy
Policy Update continuous access evaluation
Policy Update named location
Policy Update security defaults

Core Directory

Logs captured in the Core Directory service cover a wide variety of scenarios. Changes to service principals and applications, updates to company settings, and many other directory related details are captured here. Because so many logs are included in this service, utilize the filter options and date ranges to narrow down the results.

Audit Category Activity
AdministrativeUnit Add administrative unit
AdministrativeUnit Add member to administrative unit
AdministrativeUnit Add member to restricted management administrative unit
AdministrativeUnit Delete administrative unit
AdministrativeUnit Hard Delete administrative unit
AdministrativeUnit Remove member from administrative unit
AdministrativeUnit Remove member from restricted management administrative unit
AdministrativeUnit Restore administrative unit
AdministrativeUnit Update administrative unit
Agreement Add agreement
Agreement Delete agreement
Agreement Hard delete agreement
Agreement Update agreement
ApplicationManagement Add app role assignment to service principal
ApplicationManagement Add application
ApplicationManagement Add delegated permission grant
ApplicationManagement Add owner to application
ApplicationManagement Add owner to service principal
ApplicationManagement Add policy to application
ApplicationManagement Add policy to service principal
ApplicationManagement Add service principal
ApplicationManagement Add service principal credentials
ApplicationManagement Cancel application update with safe rollout
ApplicationManagement Complete application update after safe rollout
ApplicationManagement Consent to application
ApplicationManagement Delete application
ApplicationManagement Hard Delete application
ApplicationManagement Hard delete service principal
ApplicationManagement Remove app role assignment from service principal
ApplicationManagement Remove delegated permission grant
ApplicationManagement Remove owner from application
ApplicationManagement Remove owner from service principal
ApplicationManagement Remove policy from application
ApplicationManagement Remove policy from service principal
ApplicationManagement Remove service principal
ApplicationManagement Remove service principal credentials
ApplicationManagement Restore application
ApplicationManagement Restore service principal
ApplicationManagement Restore consent
ApplicationManagement Set verified publisher
ApplicationManagement Unset verified publisher
ApplicationManagement Update application
ApplicationManagement Update application with safe rollout
ApplicationManagement Update application - Certificates and secrets management
ApplicationManagement Update external secrets
ApplicationManagement Update service principal
AttributeManagement Add an attribute set
AttributeManagement Add custom security attribute definition in an attribute set
AttributeManagement Update an attribute set
AttributeManagement Update attribute values assigned to a servicePrincipal
AttributeManagement Update attribute values assigned to a user
AttributeManagement Update custom security attribute definition in an attribute set
AuthorizationPolicy Update authorization policy
CertificateBasedAuthConfiguration Add CertificationBasedAuthConfiguration
CertificateBasedAuthConfiguration Delete CertificationBasedAuthConfiguration
Contact Add contact
Contact Delete contact
Contact Update contact
CrossTenantAccessSettings Add a partner to cross-tenant access setting
CrossTenantAccessSettings Delete partner specific cross-tenant access setting
CrossTenantAccessSettings Migrated partner cross-tenant access settings to the scalable model
CrossTenantAccessSettings Reset the cross-tenant access default setting
CrossTenantAccessSettings Update a partner cross-tenant access setting
CrossTenantAccessSettings Update the company default cross-tenant access setting
CrossTenantIdentitySyncSettings Create a partner cross-tenant identity sync setting
CrossTenantIdentitySyncSettings Delete a partner cross-tenant identity sync setting
CrossTenantIdentitySyncSettings Update a partner cross-tenant identity sync setting
Device Add device
Device Add registered owner to device
Device Add registered users to device
Device Delete device
Device Device no longer compliant
Device Device no longer managed
Device Remove registered owner from device
Device Remove registered users from device
Device Update device
DeviceConfiguration Add device configuration
DeviceConfiguration Delete device configuration
DeviceConfiguration Update device configuration
DeviceTemplate Add device from DeviceTemplate
DeviceTemplate Delete DeviceTemplate
DeviceTemplate Update DeviceTemplate
DirectoryManagement Add partner to company
DirectoryManagement Add sharedEmailDomainInvitation
DirectoryManagement Add unverified domain
DirectoryManagement Add verified domain
DirectoryManagement Create Company
DirectoryManagement Create company settings
DirectoryManagement Delete company allowed data location
DirectoryManagement Delete company settings
DirectoryManagement Delete subscription
DirectoryManagement Demote partner
DirectoryManagement Directory deleted
DirectoryManagement Directory deleted permanently
DirectoryManagement Directory scheduled for deletion (Lifecycle)
DirectoryManagement Directory scheduled for deletion (UserRequest)
DirectoryManagement Get cross-cloud verification code for domain
DirectoryManagement Promote company to partner
DirectoryManagement Promote sub domain to root domain
DirectoryManagement Remove partner from company
DirectoryManagement Remove unverified domain
DirectoryManagement Remove verified domain
DirectoryManagement Schedule Add sharedEmailDomain
DirectoryManagement Schedule Remove sharedEmailDomain
DirectoryManagement Set Company Information
DirectoryManagement Set DirSync feature
DirectoryManagement Set DirSyncEnabled flag
DirectoryManagement Set Partnership
DirectoryManagement Set accidental deletion threshold
DirectoryManagement Set company allowed data location
DirectoryManagement Set company multinational feature enabled
DirectoryManagement Set directory feature on tenant
DirectoryManagement Set domain authentication
DirectoryManagement Set federation settings on domain
DirectoryManagement Set password policy
DirectoryManagement Update company
DirectoryManagement Update company settings
DirectoryManagement Update domain
DirectoryManagement Update sharedEmailDomain
DirectoryManagement Update sharedEmailDomainInvitation
DirectoryManagement Verify domain
DirectoryManagement Verify email verified domain
ExternalUserProfile Create ExternalUserProfile
ExternalUserProfile Delete ExternalUserProfile
ExternalUserProfile Hard Delete ExternalUserProfile
ExternalUserProfile Restore ExternalUserProfile
ExternalUserProfile Update ExternalUserProfile
GroupManagement Add app role assignment to group
GroupManagement Add group
GroupManagement Add member to group
GroupManagement Add owner to group
GroupManagement Assign label to group
GroupManagement Create group settings
GroupManagement Delete group
GroupManagement Delete group settings
GroupManagement Finish applying group based license to user
GroupManagement Grant contextual consent to application
GroupManagement Hard Delete group
GroupManagement Remove app role assignment from group
GroupManagement Remove label from group
GroupManagement Remove member from group
GroupManagement Remove owner from group
GroupManagement Restore group
GroupManagement Set group license
GroupManagement Set group to be managed by user
GroupManagement Start applying group based license to users
GroupManagement Trigger group license recalculation
GroupManagement Update group
GroupManagement Update group settings
KerberosDomain Add kerberos domain
KerberosDomain Delete kerberos domain
KerberosDomain Restore kerberos domain
KerberosDomain Update kerberos domain
Label Add label
Label Delete label
Label Update label
MicrosoftSupportAccessManagement Approval approved
MicrosoftSupportAccessManagement Approval removed
MicrosoftSupportAccessManagement Request approved
MicrosoftSupportAccessManagement Request canceled
MicrosoftSupportAccessManagement Request created
MicrosoftSupportAccessManagement Request created
MicrosoftSupportAccessManagement Request rejected
MultiTenantOrg Create a MultiTenantOrg
MultiTenantOrg Hard Delete MultiTenantOrg
MultiTenantOrg Update a MultiTenantOrg
MultiTenantOrgIdentitySyncPolicyUpdate Reset a multi tenant org identity sync policy template
MultiTenantOrgIdentitySyncPolicyUpdate Update a multi tenant org identity sync policy template
MultiTenantOrgPartnerConfigurationTemplate Reset a multi tenant org partner configuration template
MultiTenantOrgPartnerConfigurationTemplate Update a multi tenant org partner configuration template
MultiTenantOrgTenant Add MultiTenantOrg tenant
MultiTenantOrgTenant Delete MultiTenantOrg tenant
MultiTenantOrgTenant Hard Delete MultiTenantOrg tenant
MultiTenantOrgTenant Tenant joining MultiTenantOrg tenant
MultiTenantOrgTenant Update MultiTenantOrg tenant
PendingExternalUserProfile Create PendingExternalUserProfile
PendingExternalUserProfile Delete PendingExternalUserProfile
PendingExternalUserProfile Hard Delete PendingExternalUserProfile
PendingExternalUserProfile Update PendingExternalUserProfile
PermissionGrantPolicy Add permission grant policy
PermissionGrantPolicy Delete permission grant policy
PermissionGrantPolicy Update permission grant policy
Policy Add owner to policy
Policy Add policy
Policy Delete policy
Policy Remove owner from policy
Policy Remove policy credentials
Policy Update policy
PrivateEndpoint Add PrivateEndpoint
PrivateEndpoint Delete PrivateEndpoint
PrivateLinkResource Add PrivateLinkResource
PrivateLinkResource Delete PrivateLinkResource
PrivateLinkResource Update PrivateLinkResource
RoleManagement Add EligibleRoleAssignment to RoleDefinition
RoleManagement Add eligible member to role
RoleManagement Add member to role
RoleManagement Add member to role scoped over Restricted Management Administrative Unit
RoleManagement Add role assignment to role definition
RoleManagement Add role definition
RoleManagement Add role from template
RoleManagement Add scoped member to role
RoleManagement Delete role definition
RoleManagement Remove EligibleRoleAssignment from RoleDefinition
RoleManagement Remove eligible member from role
RoleManagement Remove member from role
RoleManagement Remove member from role scoped over Restricted Management Administrative Unit
RoleManagement Remove role assignment from role definition
RoleManagement Remove scoped member from role
RoleManagement Update role
RoleManagement Update role definition
SourceOfAuthorityPolicy Add SOA policy
UserManagement Add app role assignment to group
UserManagement Add user
UserManagement Add users strong authentication phone app detail
UserManagement Change user license
UserManagement Change user password
UserManagement Convert federated user to managed
UserManagement Create application password for user
UserManagement Delete application password for user
UserManagement Delete user
UserManagement Disable Strong Authentication
UserManagement Disable account
UserManagement Enable Strong Authentication
UserManagement Enable account
UserManagement Hard Delete user
UserManagement Remove app role assignment from user
UserManagement Remove users strong authentication phone app detail
UserManagement Reset password
UserManagement Restore user
UserManagement Set force change user password
UserManagement Set user manager
UserManagement Set user oath token metadata enabled
UserManagement Update StsRefreshTokenValidFrom Timestamp
UserManagement Update external secrets
UserManagement Update user

Device Registration Service

If you need to manage Microsoft Entra ID and Microsoft Entra hybrid joined devices, use the logs captured in the Device Registration Service to review changes to devices.

Audit Category Activity
Device Delete pre-created device
Device pre-create device
Device Register device
Device Reveal local administrator password
Device Unregister device
Device Update local administrator password
KeyManagement Add BitLocker key
KeyManagement Delete BitLocker key
KeyManagement Read BitLocker key
Policy Set device registration policies
UserManagement Add FIDO2 security key
UserManagement Add Windows Hello for Business credential
UserManagement Add passwordless phone sign-in credential
UserManagement Add platform credential
UserManagement Delete FIDO2 security key(s)
UserManagement Delete Windows Hello for Business credential
UserManagement Delete passwordless phone sign-in credential
UserManagement Delete platform credential

Entitlement Management

Use these logs to monitor changes to Entitlement Management settings. Entitlement Management can be used to streamline how you assign members of Microsoft Entra security groups, grant licenses for Microsoft 365, or provide access to applications. Access reviews has separate logs.

Audit Category Activity
EntitlementManagement Add Entitlement Management role assignment
EntitlementManagement Administrator directly assigns user to access package
EntitlementManagement Administrator directly removes user access package assignment
EntitlementManagement Approval stage completed for access package assignment request
EntitlementManagement Approve access package assignment request
EntitlementManagement Assign user as external sponsor
EntitlementManagement Assign user as internal sponsor
EntitlementManagement Auto approve access package assignment request
EntitlementManagement Cancel access package assignment request
EntitlementManagement Create access package
EntitlementManagement Create access package assignment policy
EntitlementManagement Create access package assignment user update request
EntitlementManagement Create access package catalog
EntitlementManagement Create connected organization
EntitlementManagement Create custom extension
EntitlementManagement Create incompatible access package
EntitlementManagement Create incompatible group
EntitlementManagement Create resource environment
EntitlementManagement Create resource remove request
EntitlementManagement Create resource request
EntitlementManagement Delete access package
EntitlementManagement Delete access package assignment policy
EntitlementManagement Delete access package assignment request
EntitlementManagement Delete access package assignment policy for a deleted user
EntitlementManagement Delete access package catalog
EntitlementManagement Delete connected organization
EntitlementManagement Delete custom extension
EntitlementManagement Delete incompatible access package
EntitlementManagement Delete incompatible group
EntitlementManagement Deny access package assignment request
EntitlementManagement Entitlement Management creates access package assignment request for user
EntitlementManagement Entitlement Management removes access package assignment request for user
EntitlementManagement Execute custom extension
EntitlementManagement Extend access package assignment
EntitlementManagement Failed access package assignment request
EntitlementManagement Fulfill access package assignment request
EntitlementManagement Fulfill access package resource assignment
EntitlementManagement Partially fulfill access package assignment request
EntitlementManagement Ready to fulfill access package assignment request
EntitlementManagement Remove Entitlement Management role assignment
EntitlementManagement Remove access package resource assignment
EntitlementManagement Remove user as external sponsor
EntitlementManagement Remove user as internal sponsor
EntitlementManagement Schedule a future access package assignment
EntitlementManagement Update access package
EntitlementManagement Update access package assignment policy
EntitlementManagement Update access package assignment request
EntitlementManagement Update access package catalog
EntitlementManagement Update access package catalog resource
EntitlementManagement Update connected organization
EntitlementManagement Update custom extension
EntitlementManagement Update request answers by approver
EntitlementManagement Update tenant setting
EntitlementManagement User requests access package assignment
EntitlementManagement User requests an access package assignment on behalf of service principal
EntitlementManagement User requests to extend access package assignment
EntitlementManagement User requests to remove access package assignment

Global Secure Access (preview)

If you're using Microsoft Entra Internet Access or Microsoft Entra Private Access to acquire and secure network traffic to your corporate resources, these logs can help identify when changes were made to your network policies. These logs capture changes to traffic forwarding policies and remote networks, such as branch office locations.

Audit Category Activity
ObjectManagement Onboarding Process Started
ObjectManagement Update Adaptive Access Policy
ObjectManagement Update Enriched Audit Logs Settings
PolicyManagement Create Branch
PolicyManagement Create Filtering Policy
PolicyManagement Create Filtering Policy Profile
PolicyManagement Delete Filtering Policy
PolicyManagement Delete Filtering Policy Profile
PolicyManagement Create Forwarding Policy
PolicyManagement Update Branch
PolicyManagement Update Filtering Policy
PolicyManagement Update Filtering Policy Profile
PolicyManagement Update Filtering Profile
PolicyManagement Update Forwarding Options Policy
PolicyManagement Update Forwarding Policy
PolicyManagement Update Forwarding Profile

Hybrid Authentication

Audit Category Activity
Authentication Add user to feature rollout
Authentication Remove user from feature rollout

Invited users

Use the Invited users logs to help you manage the status of users who were invited to collaborate as guests in your tenant. These logs can help troubleshoot issues with invitations sent to external users.

Audit Category Activity
UserManagement Delete external user
UserManagement Email not sent, user unsubscribed
UserManagement Email subscribed
UserManagement Email unsubscribed
UserManagement Invite external user
UserManagement Invite external user with reset invitation status
UserManagement Invite internal user to B2B collaboration
UserManagement Redeem external user invite
UserManagement Viral user creation

Microsoft Identity Manager (MIM) Service

If you're using MIM to automate identity and group provisioning based on business policy and workflow, these audit logs can help track when change were made to groups and members through the MIM service.

Audit Category Activity
GroupManagement Add group
GroupManagement Add member to group
GroupManagement Add owner to group
GroupManagement Delete group
GroupManagement Remove member from group
GroupManagement Remove owner from group
GroupManagement Update group
UserManagement User Password Registration
UserManagement User Password Reset

Mobility Management

Audit Category Activity
PolicyManagement Delete policy
PolicyManagement Update mobility management policy


Use the MyApps audit logs to identify when an application was added to a collection for your MyApp portal.

Audit Category Activity
ApplicationManagement Create application collection
ApplicationManagement Delete application collection
ApplicationManagement Update application collection
ApplicationManagement Update application collection order
ApplicationManagement Update preview settings

Privileged Identity Management (PIM)

Many of the activities captured in the PIM audit logs are similar, so take note of details like renew, timebound, and permanent. PIM activities can generate many logs in a 24 hour period, so utilize the filters to narrow things down. For more information on the audit capabilities within the PIM service, see View audit history for Microsoft Entra roles in PIM.

Audit Category Activity
ApplicationManagement Add member to role approval requested (PIM activation)
ApplicationManagement Add member to role in PIM completed (timebound)
ApplicationManagement Add member to role in PIM requested (timebound)
ApplicationManagement Approve request - direct role assignment
ApplicationManagement PIM activation request expired
ApplicationManagement PIM policy removed
ApplicationManagement Remove member from role in PIM completed (timebound)
ApplicationManagement Remove request
ApplicationManagement Role definition created
ApplicationManagement Update role setting in PIM
GroupManagement Add eligible member to role in PIM canceled (renew)
GroupManagement Add eligible member to role in PIM canceled (timebound)
GroupManagement Add eligible member to role in PIM completed (permanent)
GroupManagement Add eligible member to role in PIM completed (timebound)
GroupManagement Add eligible member to role in PIM requested (permanent)
GroupManagement Add eligible member to role in PIM requested (renew)
GroupManagement Add eligible member to role in PIM requested (timebound)
GroupManagement Add member to role approval requested (PIM activation)
GroupManagement Add member to role canceled (PIM activation)
GroupManagement Add member to role completed (PIM activation)
GroupManagement Add member to role in PIM canceled (permanent)
GroupManagement Add member to role in PIM canceled (renew)
GroupManagement Add member to role in PIM canceled (timebound)
GroupManagement Add member to role in PIM completed (permanent)
GroupManagement Add member to role in PIM completed (timebound)
GroupManagement Add member to role in PIM requested (permanent)
GroupManagement Add member to role in PIM requested (renew)
GroupManagement Add member to role in PIM requested (timebound)
GroupManagement Add member to role request approved (PIM activation)
GroupManagement Add member to role request denied (PIM activation)
GroupManagement Add member to role requested (PIM activation)
GroupManagement Cancel request
GroupManagement Cancel request for role removal
GroupManagement Cancel request for role update
GroupManagement Offboarded resource from PIM
GroupManagement Onboarded resource to PIM
GroupManagement PIM activation request expired
GroupManagement PIM policy removed
GroupManagement Process request
GroupManagement Process role removal request
GroupManagement Remove eligible member from role in PIM completed (permanent)
GroupManagement Remove eligible member from role in PIM completed (timebound)
GroupManagement Remove eligible member from role in PIM requested (permanent)
GroupManagement Remove eligible member from role in PIM requested (timebound)
GroupManagement Remove member from role (PIM activation expired)
GroupManagement Remove member from role completed (PIM deactivate)
GroupManagement Remove member from role in PIM completed (permanent)
GroupManagement Remove member from role in PIM completed (timebound)
GroupManagement Remove member from role in PIM requested (permanent)
GroupManagement Remove member from role in PIM requested (timebound)
GroupManagement Remove member from role requested (PIM deactivate)
GroupManagement Remove permanent direct role assignment
GroupManagement Remove permanent eligible role assignment
GroupManagement Remove request
GroupManagement Resource updated
GroupManagement Restore eligible member from role in PIM completed
GroupManagement Restore member from role
GroupManagement Restore member from role in PIM completed
GroupManagement Restore permanent direct role assignment
GroupManagement Update eligible member in PIM canceled (extend)
GroupManagement Update eligible member in PIM requested (extend)
GroupManagement Update member in PIM approved by admin (extend/renew)
GroupManagement Update member in PIM canceled (extend)
GroupManagement Update member in PIM denied by admin (extend/renew)
GroupManagement Update member in PIM requested (extend)
GroupManagement Update role setting in PIM
ResourceManagement Add eligible member to role in PIM canceled (permanent)
ResourceManagement Add eligible member to role in PIM canceled (renew)
ResourceManagement Add eligible member to role in PIM canceled (timebound)
ResourceManagement Add eligible member to role in PIM completed (permanent)
ResourceManagement Add eligible member to role in PIM completed (timebound)
ResourceManagement Add eligible member to role in PIM requested (permanent)
ResourceManagement Add eligible member to role in PIM requested (renew)
ResourceManagement Add eligible member to role in PIM requested (timebound)
ResourceManagement Add member to role approval requested (PIM activation)
ResourceManagement Add member to role canceled (PIM activation)
ResourceManagement Add member to role completed (PIM activation)
ResourceManagement Add member to role in PIM canceled (renew)
ResourceManagement Add member to role in PIM canceled (timebound)
ResourceManagement Add member to role in PIM completed (permanent)
ResourceManagement Add member to role in PIM completed (timebound)
ResourceManagement Add member to role in PIM requested (permanent)
ResourceManagement Add member to role in PIM requested (renew)
ResourceManagement Add member to role in PIM requested (timebound)
ResourceManagement Add member to role outside of PIM (permanent)
ResourceManagement Add member to role request approved (PIM activation)
ResourceManagement Add member to role request denied (PIM activation)
ResourceManagement Add member to role requested (PIM activation)
ResourceManagement Cancel request
ResourceManagement Cancel request for role removal
ResourceManagement Cancel request for role update
ResourceManagement Deactivate PIM alert
ResourceManagement Disable PIM alert
ResourceManagement Enable PIM alert
ResourceManagement Offboarded resource from PIM
ResourceManagement Onboarded resource from PIM
ResourceManagement PIM activation request expired
ResourceManagement PIM policy removed
ResourceManagement Process request
ResourceManagement Process role removal request
ResourceManagement Process role update request
ResourceManagement Remove eligible member from role in PIM completed (permanent)
ResourceManagement Remove eligible member from role in PIM completed (timebound)
ResourceManagement Remove eligible member from role in PIM requested (permanent)
ResourceManagement Remove eligible member from role in PIM requested (timebound)
ResourceManagement Remove member from role (PIM activation expired)
ResourceManagement Remove member from role completed (PIM deactivate)
ResourceManagement Remove member from role in PIM completed (permanent)
ResourceManagement Remove member from role in PIM completed (timebound)
ResourceManagement Remove member from role in PIM requested (permanent)
ResourceManagement Remove member from role in PIM requested (timebound)
ResourceManagement Remove member from role requested (PIM deactivate)
ResourceManagement Remove permanent direct role assignment
ResourceManagement Remove permanent eligible role assignment
ResourceManagement Remove request
ResourceManagement Resolve PIM alert
ResourceManagement Resource updated
ResourceManagement Restore eligible member from role in PIM completed
ResourceManagement Restore member from role
ResourceManagement Restore member from role in PIM completed
ResourceManagement Restore permanent direct role assignment
ResourceManagement Restore permanent eligible role assignment
ResourceManagement Tenant offboarded from PIM
ResourceManagement Triggered PIM alert
ResourceManagement Update eligible member in PIM canceled (extend)
ResourceManagement Update eligible member in PIM requested (extend)
ResourceManagement Update member in PIM approved by admin (extend/renew)
ResourceManagement Update member in PIM canceled (extend)
ResourceManagement Update member in PIM denied by admin (extend/renew)
ResourceManagement Update member in PIM requested (extend)
ResourceManagement Update role setting in PIM
RoleManagement Add eligible member to role in PIM canceled (permanent)
RoleManagement Add eligible member to role in PIM canceled (renew)
RoleManagement Add eligible member to role in PIM canceled (timebound)
RoleManagement Add eligible member to role in PIM completed (permanent)
RoleManagement Add eligible member to role in PIM completed (timebound)
RoleManagement Add eligible member to role in PIM requested (permanent)
RoleManagement Add eligible member to role in PIM requested (renew)
RoleManagement Add eligible member to role in PIM requested (timebound)
RoleManagement Add member to role approval requested (PIM activation)
RoleManagement Add member to role canceled (PIM activation)
RoleManagement Add member to role completed (PIM activation)
RoleManagement Add member to role in PIM canceled (renew)
RoleManagement Add member to role in PIM canceled (timebound)
RoleManagement Add member to role in PIM completed (permanent)
RoleManagement Add member to role in PIM completed (timebound)
RoleManagement Add member to role in PIM requested (permanent)
RoleManagement Add member to role in PIM requested (renew)
RoleManagement Add member to role in PIM requested (timebound)
RoleManagement Add member to role outside of PIM (permanent)
RoleManagement Add member to role request approved (PIM activation)
RoleManagement Add member to role request denied (PIM activation)
RoleManagement Add member to role requested (PIM activation)
RoleManagement Cancel request for role removal
RoleManagement Cancel request for role update
RoleManagement Deactivate PIM alert
RoleManagement Disable PIM alert
RoleManagement Enable PIM alert
RoleManagement Offboarded resource from PIM
RoleManagement Onboarded resource from PIM
RoleManagement PIM activation request expired
RoleManagement PIM policy removed
RoleManagement Process request
RoleManagement Process role removal request
RoleManagement Process role update request
RoleManagement Refresh PIM alert
RoleManagement Remove eligible member from role in PIM completed (permanent)
RoleManagement Remove eligible member from role in PIM completed (timebound)
RoleManagement Remove eligible member from role in PIM requested (permanent)
RoleManagement Remove eligible member from role in PIM requested (timebound)
RoleManagement Remove member from role (PIM activation expired)
RoleManagement Remove member from role completed (PIM deactivate)
RoleManagement Remove member from role in PIM completed (permanent)
RoleManagement Remove member from role in PIM completed (timebound)
RoleManagement Remove member from role in PIM requested (permanent)
RoleManagement Remove member from role in PIM requested (timebound)
RoleManagement Remove member from role requested (PIM deactivate)
RoleManagement Remove permanent direct role assignment
RoleManagement Remove permanent eligible role assignment
RoleManagement Remove request
RoleManagement Resolve PIM alert
RoleManagement Restore eligible member from role in PIM completed
RoleManagement Restore member from role
RoleManagement Restore member from role in PIM completed
RoleManagement Restore permanent direct role assignment
RoleManagement Restore permanent eligible role assignment
RoleManagement Tenant offboarded from PIM
RoleManagement Triggered PIM alert
RoleManagement Update PIM alert setting
RoleManagement Update eligible member in PIM canceled (extend)
RoleManagement Update eligible member in PIM requested (extend)
RoleManagement Update member in PIM approved by admin (extend/renew)
RoleManagement Update member in PIM canceled (extend)
RoleManagement Update member in PIM denied by admin (extend/renew)
RoleManagement Update member in PIM requested (extend)
RoleManagement Update role setting in PIM

Self-service group management

Users in your tenant can manage many aspects of their group memberships on their own. Use the Self-service group management logs to help troubleshoot issues with these scenarios.

Many of the activities in this group are associated with background processes related to a user's activity. For example, you might see multiple Features_GetFeaturesAsync instances in your logs when a user accesses the MyApps or MyGroups portal. This activity doesn't indicate if the user made any changes. Other activities such as GroupsODataV4_Get often occur in groups for similar user actions.

Audit Category Activity
GroupManagement ApprovalNotification_Create
GroupManagement Autorenew group
GroupManagement Approval_Act
GroupManagement Approval_Get
GroupManagement Approval_GetAll
GroupManagement Approvals_ActOnApproval
GroupManagement Approvals_Post
GroupManagement Approve a pending request to join a group
GroupManagement Cancel a pending request to join a group
GroupManagement Create lifecycle management policy
GroupManagement Delete a pending request to join a group
GroupManagement Delete lifecycle management policy
GroupManagement Device_Create
GroupManagement Device_Delete
GroupManagement Device_Get
GroupManagement Device_GetAll
GroupManagement Features_GetFeaturesAsync
GroupManagement Features_IsFeatureEnabledAsync
GroupManagement Features_UpdateFeaturesAsync
GroupManagement GroupLifecyclePolicies_Get
GroupManagement GroupLifecyclePolicies_addGroup
GroupManagement GroupLifecyclePolicies_removeGroup
GroupManagement Group_AddMember
GroupManagement Group_AddOwner
GroupManagement Group_BatchValidateDynamicMembership
GroupManagement Group_Create
GroupManagement Group_Delete
GroupManagement Group_Get
GroupManagement Group_GetAll
GroupManagement Group_GetDynamicGroupProperties
GroupManagement Group_GetDynamicMembershipDeviceAttributes
GroupManagement Group_GetDynamicMembershipOperators
GroupManagement Group_GetDynamicMembershipUserBaseAttributes
GroupManagement Group_GetExpiryNotificationDate
GroupManagement Group_GetMembers
GroupManagement Group_GetOwners
GroupManagement Group_RemoveMember
GroupManagement Group_RemoveOwner
GroupManagement Group_Restore
GroupManagement Group_Update
GroupManagement Group_ValidateDynamicMembership
GroupManagement GroupsODataV4_Get
GroupManagement GroupsODataV4_GetgroupLifecyclePolicies
GroupManagement GroupsODataV4_evaluateDynamicMembership
GroupManagement Groups_CreateLink
GroupManagement Groups_Get
GroupManagement LcmPolicy_Get
GroupManagement LcmPolicy_RenewGroup
GroupManagement Reject a pending request to join a group
GroupManagement Renew group
GroupManagement Request to join a group
GroupManagement Settings_GetSettingsAsync
GroupManagement Update lifecycle management policy
GroupManagement User_Create
GroupManagement User_Delete
GroupManagement User_Get
GroupManagement User_GetAll
GroupManagement User_GetMemberOf
GroupManagement User_GetOwnedObjects
Other ApprovalNotification_Create
UserManagement Updated ConvergedUXV2 feature value
UserManagement Updated MyApps feature value
UserManagement Update MyStaff feature value
UserManagement Updated SSPRConvergence feature value
UserManagement Updated SignInReports feature value

Self-service password management

The Self-service password management logs provide insight into changes made to passwords by users and admins or when users register for self-service password reset.

Audit Category Activity
DirectoryManagement Disable password writeback for directory
DirectoryManagement Enable password writeback for directory
UserManagement Blocked from self-service password reset
UserManagement Change password (self-service)
UserManagement Reset password (by admin)
UserManagement Reset password (self-service)
UserManagement Security info saved for self-service password reset
UserManagement Self-service password reset flow activity progress
UserManagement Unlock user account (self-service)

Terms of use

Audit Category Activity
Policy Accept Terms Of Use
Policy Create Terms Of Use
Policy Decline Terms Of Use
Policy Delete Consent
Policy Delete Terms Of Use
Policy Edit Terms Of Use
Policy Publish Terms Of Use

Next steps