PowerShell:创建适用于 Azure SQL 数据库的虚拟网络服务终结点和 VNet 规则
适用于:Azure SQL 数据库
虚拟网络规则是一种防火墙安全功能,用于控制是否允许 Azure SQL 数据库数据库、弹性池或 Azure Synapse 中的数据库的逻辑 SQL 服务器接受从虚拟网络中的特定子网发送的通信。
本文适用于 Azure SQL 数据库,包括 Azure Synapse(以前称为 SQL DW)。 为简单起见,本文中的 Azure SQL 数据库一词特指属于 Azure SQL 数据库或 Azure Synapse 的数据库。 本文不适用于 Azure SQL 托管实例,因为它没有与之关联的服务终结点。
本文将演示执行以下操作的 PowerShell 脚本:
- 在子网上创建 Azure 虚拟服务终结点。
- 将终结点添加到服务器的防火墙,以创建虚拟网络规则。
有关更多背景信息,请参阅适用于 Azure SQL 数据库的虚拟服务终结点。
如果只需访问或将 Azure SQL 数据库的虚拟服务终结点类型名称添加到子网,则可以直接跳至 PowerShell 脚本。
本文使用 Azure Az PowerShell 模块,这是与 Azure 交互时推荐使用的 PowerShell 模块。 若要开始使用 Az PowerShell 模块,请参阅安装 Azure PowerShell。 若要了解如何迁移到 Az PowerShell 模块,请参阅 将 Azure PowerShell 从 AzureRM 迁移到 Az。
PowerShell Azure 资源管理器模块仍受 Azure SQL 数据库的支持,但所有未来的开发都是针对 Az.Sql
Cmdlet 的。 对于较旧的模块,请参阅 AzureRM.Sql。 Az 模块和 AzureRm 模块中的命令参数大体上是相同的。
本文将着重介绍 New-AzSqlServerVirtualNetworkRule cmdlet,它用于将子网终结点添加到服务器的访问控制列表 (ACL),从而创建规则。
下面的列表显示准备对 New-AzSqlServerVirtualNetworkRule 进行调用时必须运行的其他主要 cmdlet 的序列。 在本文中,这些调用出现在脚本 3 虚拟网络规则 中:
- New-AzVirtualNetworkSubnetConfig:创建子网对象。
- New-AzVirtualNetwork:创建虚拟网络,向其提供子网。
- Set-AzVirtualNetworkSubnetConfig:为子网分配虚拟服务终结点。
- Set-AzVirtualNetwork:持续更新虚拟网络。
- New-AzSqlServerVirtualNetworkRule:在子网成为终结点之后,将子网作为虚拟网络规则添加到服务器的 ACL 中。
- 从 Azure RM PowerShell 模块 5.1.1 版开始,此模块提供参数 -IgnoreMissingVNetServiceEndpoint。
- 已可以登录到 Azure,例如通过 Azure 门户。
- 已可以运行 PowerShell 脚本。
请确保已为想要添加到服务器的 VNet/子网打开服务终结点,否则创建 VNet 防火墙规则将会失败。
我们的演示 PowerShell 脚本被划分为更小的脚本序列。 这种划分可使学习更为轻松且灵活性更大。 脚本必须在其指示的序列中运行。 如果现在没有时间运行脚本,我们的实际测试结果已在脚本 4 后显示。
第一个 PowerShell 脚本向变量分配值。 后续脚本将依赖于这些变量。
运行此脚本前,可以根据需要编辑这些值。 例如,如果已有资源组,则可能需要以分配的值编辑资源组名称。
######### Script 1 ########################################
## LOG into to your Azure account. ##
## (Needed only one time per powershell.exe session.) ##
$yesno = Read-Host 'Do you need to log into Azure (only one time per powershell.exe session)? [yes/no]'
if ('yes' -eq $yesno) { Connect-AzAccount -Environment AzureChinaCloud }
## Assignments to variables used by the later scripts. ##
# You can edit these values, if necessary.
$SubscriptionName = 'yourSubscriptionName'
Select-AzSubscription -SubscriptionName $SubscriptionName
$ResourceGroupName = 'RG-YourNameHere'
$Region = 'chinaeast2'
$VNetName = 'myVNet'
$SubnetName = 'mySubnet'
$VNetAddressPrefix = ''
$SubnetAddressPrefix = ''
$VNetRuleName = 'myFirstVNetRule-ForAcl'
$SqlDbServerName = 'mysqldbserver-forvnet'
$SqlDbAdminLoginName = 'ServerAdmin'
$SqlDbAdminLoginPassword = 'ChangeYourAdminPassword1'
$ServiceEndpointTypeName_SqlDb = 'Microsoft.Sql' # Official type name.
Write-Host 'Completed script 1, the "Variables".'
此脚本为下一个脚本做准备,即终结点操作所在的位置。 此脚本将为你创建下面列出的各项(仅在这些项不存在的情况下)。 如果确认这些项已存在,则可以跳过脚本 2:
- Azure 资源组
- 逻辑 SQL 服务器
######### Script 2 ########################################
## Ensure your Resource Group already exists. ##
Write-Host "Check whether your Resource Group already exists."
$gottenResourceGroup = $null
$gottenResourceGroup = Get-AzResourceGroup -Name $ResourceGroupName -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
if ($null -eq $gottenResourceGroup) {
Write-Host "Creating your missing Resource Group - $ResourceGroupName."
New-AzResourceGroup -Name $ResourceGroupName -Location $Region
} else {
Write-Host "Good, your Resource Group already exists - $ResourceGroupName."
$gottenResourceGroup = $null
## Ensure your server already exists. ##
Write-Host "Check whether your server already exists."
$sqlDbServer = $null
$azSqlParams = @{
ResourceGroupName = $ResourceGroupName
ServerName = $SqlDbServerName
ErrorAction = 'SilentlyContinue'
$sqlDbServer = Get-AzSqlServer @azSqlParams
if ($null -eq $sqlDbServer) {
Write-Host "Creating the missing server - $SqlDbServerName."
Write-Host "Gather the credentials necessary to next create a server."
$sqlAdministratorCredentials = [pscredential]::new($SqlDbAdminLoginName,(ConvertTo-SecureString -String $SqlDbAdminLoginPassword -AsPlainText -Force))
if ($null -eq $sqlAdministratorCredentials) {
Write-Host "ERROR, unable to create SQL administrator credentials. Now ending."
Write-Host "Create your server."
$sqlSrvParams = @{
ResourceGroupName = $ResourceGroupName
ServerName = $SqlDbServerName
Location = $Region
SqlAdministratorCredentials = $sqlAdministratorCredentials
New-AzSqlServer @sqlSrvParams
} else {
Write-Host "Good, your server already exists - $SqlDbServerName."
$sqlAdministratorCredentials = $null
$sqlDbServer = $null
Write-Host 'Completed script 2, the "Prerequisites".'
此脚本将创建含有子网的虚拟网络。 然后,脚本向子网分配 Microsoft.Sql 终结点类型。 最后,脚本将子网添加到访问控制列表 (ACL),从而创建规则。
######### Script 3 ########################################
## Create your virtual network, and give it a subnet. ##
Write-Host "Define a subnet '$SubnetName', to be given soon to a virtual network."
$subnetParams = @{
Name = $SubnetName
AddressPrefix = $SubnetAddressPrefix
ServiceEndpoint = $ServiceEndpointTypeName_SqlDb
$subnet = New-AzVirtualNetworkSubnetConfig @subnetParams
Write-Host "Create a virtual network '$VNetName'.`nGive the subnet to the virtual network that we created."
$vnetParams = @{
Name = $VNetName
AddressPrefix = $VNetAddressPrefix
Subnet = $subnet
ResourceGroupName = $ResourceGroupName
Location = $Region
$vnet = New-AzVirtualNetwork @vnetParams
## Create a Virtual Service endpoint on the subnet. ##
Write-Host "Assign a Virtual Service endpoint 'Microsoft.Sql' to the subnet."
$vnetSubParams = @{
Name = $SubnetName
AddressPrefix = $SubnetAddressPrefix
VirtualNetwork = $vnet
ServiceEndpoint = $ServiceEndpointTypeName_SqlDb
$vnet = Set-AzVirtualNetworkSubnetConfig @vnetSubParams
Write-Host "Persist the updates made to the virtual network > subnet."
$vnet = Set-AzVirtualNetwork -VirtualNetwork $vnet
$vnet.Subnets[0].ServiceEndpoints # Display the first endpoint.
## Add the Virtual Service endpoint Id as a rule, ##
## into SQL Database ACLs. ##
Write-Host "Get the subnet object."
$vnet = Get-AzVirtualNetwork -ResourceGroupName $ResourceGroupName -Name $VNetName
$subnet = Get-AzVirtualNetworkSubnetConfig -Name $SubnetName -VirtualNetwork $vnet
Write-Host "Add the subnet .Id as a rule, into the ACLs for your server."
$ruleParams = @{
ResourceGroupName = $ResourceGroupName
ServerName = $SqlDbServerName
VirtualNetworkRuleName = $VNetRuleName
VirtualNetworkSubnetId = $subnet.Id
New-AzSqlServerVirtualNetworkRule @ruleParams
Write-Host "Verify that the rule is in the SQL Database ACL."
$rule2Params = @{
ResourceGroupName = $ResourceGroupName
ServerName = $SqlDbServerName
VirtualNetworkRuleName = $VNetRuleName
Get-AzSqlServerVirtualNetworkRule @rule2Params
Write-Host 'Completed script 3, the "Virtual-Network-Rule".'
最后的这个脚本将删除为演示而创建的以前脚本的资源。 但是,该脚本在删除以下资源前将要求你确认:
- 逻辑 SQL 服务器
- Azure 资源组
可以在脚本 1 完成后随时运行脚本 4。
######### Script 4 ########################################
## Clean-up phase A: Unconditional deletes. ##
## ##
## 1. The test rule is deleted from SQL Database ACL. ##
## 2. The test endpoint is deleted from the subnet. ##
## 3. The test virtual network is deleted. ##
Write-Host "Delete the rule from the SQL Database ACL."
$removeParams = @{
ResourceGroupName = $ResourceGroupName
ServerName = $SqlDbServerName
VirtualNetworkRuleName = $VNetRuleName
ErrorAction = 'SilentlyContinue'
Remove-AzSqlServerVirtualNetworkRule @removeParams
Write-Host "Delete the endpoint from the subnet."
$vnet = Get-AzVirtualNetwork -ResourceGroupName $ResourceGroupName -Name $VNetName
Remove-AzVirtualNetworkSubnetConfig -Name $SubnetName -VirtualNetwork $vnet
Write-Host "Delete the virtual network (thus also deletes the subnet)."
$removeParams = @{
Name = $VNetName
ResourceGroupName = $ResourceGroupName
ErrorAction = 'SilentlyContinue'
Remove-AzVirtualNetwork @removeParams
## Clean-up phase B: Conditional deletes. ##
## ##
## These might have already existed, so user might ##
## want to keep. ##
## ##
## 1. Logical SQL server ##
## 2. Azure resource group ##
$yesno = Read-Host 'CAUTION !: Do you want to DELETE your server AND your resource group? [yes/no]'
if ('yes' -eq $yesno) {
Write-Host "Remove the server."
$removeParams = @{
ServerName = $SqlDbServerName
ResourceGroupName = $ResourceGroupName
ErrorAction = 'SilentlyContinue'
Remove-AzSqlServer @removeParams
Write-Host "Remove the Azure Resource Group."
Remove-AzResourceGroup -Name $ResourceGroupName -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
} else {
Write-Host "Skipped over the DELETE of SQL Database and resource group."
Write-Host 'Completed script 4, the "Clean-Up".'
可能已拥有已被分配 Microsoft.Sql 类型名称的子网,这就说明它已是虚拟服务终结点。 可以使用 Azure 门户从终结点创建虚拟网络规则。
或者,如果不确定你的子网是否具有 Microsoft.Sql 类型名称, 则可以运行下面的 PowerShell 脚本执行以下操作:
- 确定你的子网是否具有 Microsoft.Sql 类型名称。
- (可选)如果它不存在,则分配类型名称。
- 在对其应用缺少的类型名称前,脚本会要求你确认。
以下是 PowerShell 脚本的各个阶段:
- 登录到你的 Azure 帐户,每个 PS 会话只需登录一次。 分配变量
- 搜索你的虚拟网络,然后搜索你的子网。
- 你的子网是否被标记为 Microsoft.Sql 终结点服务器类型?
- 在你的子网上,添加类型名称 Microsoft.Sql 的虚拟服务终结点。
运行此脚本前,必须编辑分配给 $ 变量的值(在脚本顶部附近)。
此 PowerShell 脚本不会更新任何内容,除非在它要求你确认时响应“是”。 此脚本可以将类型名称 Microsoft.Sql 添加到你的子网。 但是脚本只有在你的子网缺少类型名称时才会尝试添加。
### 1. LOG into to your Azure account, needed only once per PS session. Assign variables.
$yesno = Read-Host 'Do you need to log into Azure (only one time per powershell.exe session)? [yes/no]'
if ('yes' -eq $yesno) { Connect-AzAccount -Environment AzureChinaCloud }
# Assignments to variables used by the later scripts.
# You can EDIT these values, if necessary.
$SubscriptionName = 'yourSubscriptionName'
Select-AzSubscription -SubscriptionName "$SubscriptionName"
$ResourceGroupName = 'yourRGName'
$VNetName = 'yourVNetName'
$SubnetName = 'yourSubnetName'
$SubnetAddressPrefix = 'Obtain this value from the Azure portal.' # Looks roughly like: ''
$ServiceEndpointTypeName_SqlDb = 'Microsoft.Sql' # Do NOT edit. Is official value.
### 2. Search for your virtual network, and then for your subnet.
# Search for the virtual network.
$vnet = $null
$vnet = Get-AzVirtualNetwork -ResourceGroupName $ResourceGroupName -Name $VNetName
if ($vnet -eq $null) {
Write-Host "Caution: No virtual network found by the name '$VNetName'."
$subnet = $null
for ($nn = 0; $nn -lt $vnet.Subnets.Count; $nn++) {
$subnet = $vnet.Subnets[$nn]
if ($subnet.Name -eq $SubnetName) { break }
$subnet = $null
if ($null -eq $subnet) {
Write-Host "Caution: No subnet found by the name '$SubnetName'"
### 3. Is your subnet tagged as 'Microsoft.Sql' endpoint server type?
$endpointMsSql = $null
for ($nn = 0; $nn -lt $subnet.ServiceEndpoints.Count; $nn++) {
$endpointMsSql = $subnet.ServiceEndpoints[$nn]
if ($endpointMsSql.Service -eq $ServiceEndpointTypeName_SqlDb) {
$endpointMsSql = $null
if ($null -eq $endpointMsSql) {
Write-Host "Good: Subnet found, and is already tagged as an endpoint of type '$ServiceEndpointTypeName_SqlDb'."
} else {
Write-Host "Caution: Subnet found, but not yet tagged as an endpoint of type '$ServiceEndpointTypeName_SqlDb'."
# Ask the user for confirmation.
$yesno = Read-Host 'Do you want the PS script to apply the endpoint type name to your subnet? [yes/no]'
if ('no' -eq $yesno) { return }
### 4. Add a Virtual Service endpoint of type name 'Microsoft.Sql', on your subnet.
$setParams = @{
Name = $SubnetName
AddressPrefix = $SubnetAddressPrefix
VirtualNetwork = $vnet
ServiceEndpoint = $ServiceEndpointTypeName_SqlDb
$vnet = Set-AzVirtualNetworkSubnetConfig @setParams
# Persist the subnet update.
$vnet = Set-AzVirtualNetwork -VirtualNetwork $vnet
for ($nn = 0; $nn -lt $vnet.Subnets.Count; $nn++) {
$vnet.Subnets[0].ServiceEndpoints # Display.