机密 CLI(旧)
此信息适用于旧版 Databricks CLI 0.18 及更低版本。 Databricks 建议改用较新的 Databricks CLI 0.205 或更高版本。 请参阅什么是 Databricks CLI?。 若要查找你的 Databricks CLI 的版本,请运行 databricks -v
要从 Databricks CLI 版本 0.18 或更低版本迁移到 Databricks CLI 版本 0.205 或更高版本,请参阅 Databricks CLI 迁移。
可以通过将 Databricks 机密 CLI 子命令附加到 databricks secrets
来运行这些命令。 这些子命令调用机密 API。
机密 CLI 需要 Databricks CLI 0.7.1 或更高版本。
databricks secrets --help
Usage: databricks secrets [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...
Utility to interact with secret API.
-v, --version [VERSION]
--profile TEXT CLI connection profile to use. The default profile is
-h, --help Show this message and exit.
create-scope Creates a secret scope.
--scope SCOPE The name of the secret scope.
--initial-manage-principal The initial principal that can manage the created secret scope.
If specified, the initial ACL with MANAGE permission applied
to the scope is assigned to the supplied principal (user or group).
The only supported principal is the group
"users", which contains all users in the workspace. If not
specified, the initial ACL with MANAGE permission applied to
the scope is assigned to request issuer's user identity.
delete Deletes a secret.
--scope SCOPE The name of the secret scope.
--key KEY The name of secret key.
delete-acl Deletes an access control rule for a principal.
--scope SCOPE The name of the scope.
--principal PRINCIPAL The name of the principal.
delete-scope Deletes a secret scope.
--scope SCOPE The name of the secret scope.
get-acl Gets the details for an access control rule.
--scope SCOPE The name of the secret scope.
--principal PRINCIPAL The name of the principal.
--output FORMAT JSON or TABLE. Set to TABLE by default.
list Lists all the secrets in a scope.
--scope SCOPE The name of the secret scope.
--output FORMAT JSON or TABLE. Set to TABLE by default.
list-acls Lists all access control rules for a given secret scope.
--scope SCOPE The name of the secret scope.
--output FORMAT JSON or TABLE. Set to TABLE by default.
list-scopes Lists all secret scopes.
--output FORMAT JSON or TABLE. Set to TABLE by default.
put Puts a secret in a scope.
--scope SCOPE The name of the secret scope.
--key KEY The name of the secret key.
--string-value TEXT Read value from string and stored in UTF-8 (MB4) form
--binary-file PATH Read value from binary-file and stored as bytes.
put-acl Creates or overwrites an access control rule for a principal
applied to a given secret scope.
--scope SCOPE The name of the secret scope.
--principal PRINCIPAL The name of the principal.
--permission [MANAGE|WRITE|READ] The permission to apply.
write Puts a secret in a scope. "write" is an alias for "put".
--scope SCOPE The name of the secret scope.
--key KEY The name of the secret key.
--string-value TEXT Read value from string and stored in UTF-8 (MB4) form
--binary-file PATH Read value from binary-file and stored as bytes.
write-acl Creates or overwrites an access control rule for a principal
applied to a given secret scope. "write-acl" is an alias for
--scope SCOPE The name of the secret scope.
--principal PRINCIPAL The name of the principal.
--permission [MANAGE|WRITE|READ] The permission to apply.
若要显示使用情况文档,请运行 databricks secrets create-scope --help
databricks secrets create-scope --scope my-scope
若要使用 Databricks CLI 创建 Azure Key Vault 支持的机密范围,请运行 databricks secrets create-scope --help
以显示有关其他 --scope-backend-type
和 --dns-name
选项的信息。 有关详细信息,请参阅机密管理。
若要显示使用情况文档,请运行 databricks secrets delete --help
databricks secrets delete --scope my-scope --key my-key
撤销主体的 ACL
若要显示使用情况文档,请运行 databricks secrets delete-acl --help
databricks secrets delete-acl --scope my-scope --principal someone@example.com
若要显示使用情况文档,请运行 databricks secrets delete-scope --help
databricks secrets delete-scope --scope my-scope
获取主体的 ACL
若要显示使用情况文档,请运行 databricks secrets get-acl --help
databricks secrets get-acl --scope my-scope --principal someone@example.com --output JSON
"principal": "sonmeone@example.com",
"permission": "MANAGE"
若要显示使用情况文档,请运行 databricks secrets list --help
databricks secrets list --scope my-scope --output JSON
"secrets": [
"key": "my-key",
"last_updated_timestamp": 1621284092605
不能使用 Databricks CLI 访问机密值。 若要访问机密值,必须使用 Databricks 笔记本中的 Databricks 实用工具机密实用工具。
列出机密范围内的 ACL
若要显示使用情况文档,请运行 databricks secrets list-acls --help
databricks secrets list-acls --scope my-scope --output JSON
"items": [
"principal": "someone@example.com",
"permission": "MANAGE"
若要显示使用情况文档,请运行 databricks secrets list-scopes --help
databricks secrets list-scopes --output JSON
"scopes": [
"name": "my-scope",
"backend_type": "DATABRICKS"
若要显示使用情况文档,请运行 databricks secrets put --help
或 databricks secrets write --help
可通过三种方式存储机密。 最简单的方法是使用 --string-value
选项;机密将以 UTF-8 (MB4) 格式存储。 你应谨慎使用此选项,因为你的机密可能以纯文本形式存储在你的命令行历史记录中。
databricks secrets put --scope my-scope --key my-key --string-value my-value
databricks secrets write --scope my-scope --key my-key --string-value my-value
你还可以使用 --binary-file
选项提供存储在文件中的机密。 将按原样读取文件内容并将其以字节形式存储。
databricks secrets put --scope my-scope --key my-key --binary-file my-secret.txt
databricks secrets write --scope my-scope --key my-key --binary-file my-secret.txt
如果未指定其中一个选项,系统会打开编辑器供你输入机密。 请按照编辑器中显示的说明输入机密。
databricks secrets put --scope my-scope --key my-key
databricks secrets write --scope my-scope --key my-key
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# Do not edit the above line. Everything below it will be ignored.
# Please input your secret value above the line. Text will be stored in
# UTF-8 (MB4) form and any trailing new line will be stripped.
# Exit without saving will abort writing secret.
授予主体的 ACL 或将其更改为机密范围
若要显示使用情况文档,请运行 databricks secrets put-acl --help
或 databricks secrets write-acl --help
databricks secrets put-acl --scope my-scope --principal someone@example.com --permission MANAGE
databricks secrets write-acl --scope my-scope --principal someone@example.com --permission MANAGE