Troubleshoot common Azure deployment errors with Azure Resource Manager

This article describes some common Azure deployment errors, and provides information to resolve the errors. If you can't find the error code for your deployment error, see Find error code.

If you're looking for information about an error code and that information isn't provided in this article, let us know.

Error codes

Error code Mitigation More information
AccountNameInvalid Follow naming restrictions for storage accounts. Resolve storage account name
AccountPropertyCannotBeSet Check available storage account properties. storageAccounts
AllocationFailed The cluster or region doesn't have resources available or can't support the requested VM size. Retry the request at a later time, or request a different VM size. Provisioning and allocation issues for Linux, Provisioning and allocation issues for Windows and Troubleshoot allocation failures
AnotherOperationInProgress  Wait for concurrent operation to complete.
AuthorizationFailed  Your account or service principal doesn't have sufficient access to complete the deployment. Check the role your account belongs to, and its access for the deployment scope.

You might receive this error when a required resource provider isn't registered.
Azure role-based access control (Azure RBAC)

Resolve registration
BadRequest  You sent deployment values that don't match what is expected by Resource Manager. Check the inner status message for help with troubleshooting. Supported locations
Conflict  You're requesting an operation that isn't allowed in the resource's current state. For example, disk resizing is allowed only when creating a VM or when the VM is deallocated.
DeploymentActiveAndUneditable Wait for concurrent deployment to this resource group to complete.
DeploymentFailedCleanUp When you deploy in complete mode, any resources that aren't in the template are deleted. You get this error when you don't have adequate permissions to delete all of the resources not in the template. To avoid the error, change the deployment mode to incremental. Azure Resource Manager deployment modes
DeploymentNameInvalidCharacters The deployment name can only contain letter, digit, '-', '.' or '_'.
DeploymentNameLengthLimitExceeded The deployment names are limited to 64 characters.
DeploymentFailed The DeploymentFailed error is a general error that doesn't provide the details you need to solve the error. Look in the error details for an error code that provides more information. Find error code
DeploymentQuotaExceeded If you reach the limit of 800 deployments per resource group, delete deployments from the history that are no longer needed. Resolve error when deployment count exceeds 800
DeploymentJobSizeExceeded Simplify your template to reduce size. Resolve template size errors
DnsRecordInUse  The DNS record name must be unique. Enter a different name.
ImageNotFound  Check VM image settings.
InUseSubnetCannotBeDeleted  You might get this error when trying to update a resource, and the request is processed by deleting and creating the resource. Make sure to specify all unchanged values.
InvalidAuthenticationTokenTenant  Get access token for the appropriate tenant. You can only get the token from the tenant that your account belongs to.
InvalidContentLink  You've most likely attempted to link to a nested template that isn't available. Double check the URI you provided for the nested template. If the template exists in a storage account, make sure the URI is accessible. You might need to pass a SAS token. Currently, you can't link to a template that is in a storage account behind an Azure Storage firewall. Consider moving your template to another repository, like GitHub. Linked templates
InvalidDeploymentLocation When deploying at the subscription level, you've provided a different location for a previously used deployment name. Subscription level deployments
InvalidParameter  One of the values you provided for a resource doesn't match the expected value. This error can result from many different conditions. For example, a password may be insufficient, or a blob name may be incorrect. The error message should indicate which value needs to be corrected.
InvalidRequestContent  The deployment values either include values that aren't recognized, or required values are missing. Confirm the values for your resource type.
InvalidRequestFormat  Enable debug logging when running the deployment, and verify the contents of the request. Debug logging
InvalidResourceNamespace  Check the resource namespace you specified in the type property.
InvalidResourceReference  The resource either doesn't yet exist or is incorrectly referenced. Check whether you need to add a dependency. Verify that your use of the reference function includes the required parameters for your scenario. Resolve dependencies
InvalidResourceType  Check the resource type you specified in the type property.
InvalidSubscriptionRegistrationState  Register your subscription with the resource provider. Resolve registration
InvalidTemplate  Check your template syntax for errors. Resolve invalid template
InvalidTemplateCircularDependency Remove unnecessary dependencies. Resolve circular dependencies
JobSizeExceeded Simplify your template to reduce size. Resolve template size errors
LinkedAuthorizationFailed  Check if your account belongs to the same tenant as the resource group that you're deploying to.
LinkedInvalidPropertyId  The resource ID for a resource isn't resolving correctly. Check that you provide all required values for the resource ID, including subscription ID, resource group name, resource type, parent resource name (if needed), and resource name.
LocationRequired  Provide a location for the resource. Set location
MismatchingResourceSegments Make sure nested resource has correct number of segments in name and type. Resolve resource segments
MissingRegistrationForLocation  Check resource provider registration status and supported locations. Resolve registration
MissingSubscriptionRegistration  Register your subscription with the resource provider. Resolve registration
NoRegisteredProviderFound  Check resource provider registration status. Resolve registration
NotFound  You might be attempting to deploy a dependent resource in parallel with a parent resource. Check if you need to add a dependency. Resolve dependencies
OperationNotAllowed  The deployment is attempting an operation that exceeds the quota for the subscription, resource group, or region. If possible, revise your deployment to stay within the quotas. Otherwise, consider requesting a change to your quotas. Resolve quotas
ParentResourceNotFound  Make sure a parent resource exists before creating the child resources. Resolve parent resource
PasswordTooLong You might have selected a password with too many characters, or converted your password value to a secure string before passing it as a parameter. If the template includes a secure string parameter, you don't need to convert the value to a secure string. Provide the password value as text.
PrivateIPAddressInReservedRange  The specified IP address includes an address range required by Azure. Change IP address to avoid reserved range. IP addresses
PrivateIPAddressNotInSubnet  The specified IP address is outside of the subnet range. Change IP address to fall within subnet range. IP addresses
PropertyChangeNotAllowed  Some properties can't be changed on a deployed resource. When updating a resource, limit your changes to permitted properties.
RequestDisallowedByPolicy Your subscription includes a resource policy that prevents an action you're trying to perform during deployment. Find the policy that blocks the action. If possible, change your deployment to meet the limitations from the policy. Resolve policies
ReservedResourceName Provide a resource name that doesn't include a reserved name. Reserved resource names
ResourceGroupBeingDeleted  Wait for deletion to complete.
ResourceGroupNotFound  Check the name of the target resource group for the deployment. The target resource group must already exist in your subscription. Check your subscription context. Azure CLI PowerShell
ResourceNotFound  Your deployment references a resource that can't be resolved. Verify that your use of the reference function includes the parameters required for your scenario. Resolve references
ResourceQuotaExceeded  The deployment is trying to create resources that exceed the quota for the subscription, resource group, or region. If possible, revise your infrastructure to stay within the quotas. Otherwise, consider requesting a change to your quotas. Resolve quotas
SkuNotAvailable  Select SKU (such as VM size) that is available for the location you've selected. Resolve SKU
StorageAccountAlreadyExists  Provide a unique name for the storage account. Resolve storage account name
StorageAccountAlreadyTaken  Provide a unique name for the storage account. Resolve storage account name
StorageAccountNotFound  Check the subscription, resource group, and name of the storage account that you're trying to use.
SubnetsNotInSameVnet  A virtual machine can only have one virtual network. When deploying several NICs, make sure they belong to the same virtual network. Multiple NICs
SubscriptionNotFound A specified subscription for deployment can't be accessed. It could be the subscription ID is wrong, the user deploying the template doesn't have adequate permissions to deploy to the subscription, or the subscription ID is in the wrong format. When using nested deployments to deploy across scopes, provide the GUID for the subscription.
SubscriptionNotRegistered When deploying a resource, the resource provider must be registered for your subscription. When you use an Azure Resource Manager template for deployment, the resource provider is automatically registered in the subscription. Sometimes, the automatic registration doesn't complete in time. To avoid this intermittent error, register the resource provider before deployment. Resolve registration
TemplateResourceCircularDependency Remove unnecessary dependencies. Resolve circular dependencies
TooManyTargetResourceGroups Reduce number of resource groups for a single deployment. Cross scope deployment

Find error code

There are two types of errors you can receive:

  • validation errors
  • deployment errors

Validation errors arise from scenarios that can be determined before deployment. They include syntax errors in your template, or trying to deploy resources that would exceed your subscription quotas. Deployment errors arise from conditions that occur during the deployment process. They include trying to access a resource that is being deployed in parallel.

Both types of errors return an error code that you use to troubleshoot the deployment. Both types of errors appear in the activity log. However, validation errors don't appear in your deployment history because the deployment never started.

Validation errors

When deploying through the portal, you see a validation error after submitting your values.

show portal validation error

Select the message for more details. In the following image, you see an InvalidTemplateDeployment error and a message that indicates a policy blocked deployment.

show validation details

Deployment errors

When the operation passes validation, but fails during deployment, you get a deployment error.

To see deployment error codes and messages with PowerShell, use:

(Get-AzResourceGroupDeploymentOperation -DeploymentName exampledeployment -ResourceGroupName examplegroup).Properties.statusMessage

To see deployment error codes and messages with Azure CLI, use:

az deployment operation group list --name exampledeployment -g examplegroup --query "[*].properties.statusMessage"

In the portal, select the notification.

notification error

You see more details about the deployment. Select the option to find more information about the error.

deployment failed

You see the error message and error codes. Notice there are two error codes. The first error code (DeploymentFailed) is a general error that doesn't provide the details you need to solve the error. The second error code (StorageAccountNotFound) provides the details you need.

error details

Enable debug logging

Sometimes you need more information about the request and response to learn what went wrong. During deployment, you can request that additional information is logged during a deployment.


In PowerShell, set the DeploymentDebugLogLevel parameter to All, ResponseContent, or RequestContent.

New-AzResourceGroupDeployment `
  -Name exampledeployment `
  -ResourceGroupName examplegroup `
  -TemplateFile c:\Azure\Templates\storage.json `
  -DeploymentDebugLogLevel All

Examine the request content with the following cmdlet:

(Get-AzResourceGroupDeploymentOperation `
-DeploymentName exampledeployment `
-ResourceGroupName examplegroup).Properties.request `
| ConvertTo-Json

Or, the response content with:

(Get-AzResourceGroupDeploymentOperation `
-DeploymentName exampledeployment `
-ResourceGroupName examplegroup).Properties.response `
| ConvertTo-Json

This information can help you determine whether a value in the template is being incorrectly set.

Azure CLI

Currently, Azure CLI doesn't support turning on debug logging, but you can retrieve debug logging.

Examine the deployment operations with the following command:

az deployment operation group list \
  --resource-group examplegroup \
  --name exampledeployment

Examine the request content with the following command:

az deployment operation group list \
  --name exampledeployment \
  -g examplegroup \
  --query [].properties.request

Examine the response content with the following command:

az deployment operation group list \
  --name exampledeployment \
  -g examplegroup \
  --query [].properties.response

Nested template

To log debug information for a nested template, use the debugSetting element.

  "type": "Microsoft.Resources/deployments",
  "apiVersion": "2020-10-01",
  "name": "nestedTemplate",
  "properties": {
    "mode": "Incremental",
    "templateLink": {
      "uri": "{template-uri}",
      "contentVersion": ""
    "debugSetting": {
       "detailLevel": "requestContent, responseContent"

Create a troubleshooting template

In some cases, the easiest way to troubleshoot your template is to test parts of it. You can create a simplified template that enables you to focus on the part that you believe is causing the error. For example, suppose you're receiving an error when referencing a resource. Rather than dealing with an entire template, create a template that returns the part that may be causing your problem. It can help you determine whether you're passing in the right parameters, using template functions correctly, and getting the resource you expect.

  "$schema": "",
  "contentVersion": "",
  "parameters": {
  "storageName": {
    "type": "string"
  "storageResourceGroup": {
    "type": "string"
  "variables": {},
  "resources": [],
  "outputs": {
  "exampleOutput": {
    "value": "[reference(resourceId(parameters('storageResourceGroup'), 'Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts', parameters('storageName')), '2016-05-01')]",
    "type" : "object"

Or, suppose you're getting deployment errors that you believe are related to incorrectly set dependencies. Test your template by breaking it into simplified templates. First, create a template that deploys only a single resource (like a SQL Server). When you're sure you have that resource correctly defined, add a resource that depends on it (like a SQL Database). When you have those two resources correctly defined, add other dependent resources (like auditing policies). In between each test deployment, delete the resource group to make sure you adequately testing the dependencies.

Next steps