Purge workspace storage
Your organization's privacy requirements may require that you occasionally purge deleted objects like notebook cells, entire notebooks, experiments, or cluster logs.
You can delete workspace objects such as entire notebooks, individual notebook cells, individual notebook comments, and experiments, but they are recoverable.
To permanently purge deleted workspace objects:
Go to the settings page.
Click the Advanced tab.
In the Storage section, click the Purge button next to Permanently purge workspace storage.
Click the Purge button.
Click Yes, purge to confirm.
Once purged, workspace objects are not recoverable.
To permanently purge notebook revision history:
Go to the settings page.
Click the Advanced tab.
In the Storage section, next to Permanently purge all revision history, select the timeframe to purge. The default is 24 hours and older.
Next to the timeframe, click the Purge button.
Click the Purge button.
Click Yes, purge to confirm.
Once purged, version history is not recoverable.
To permanently purge Spark driver logs and historical metrics snapshots for all clusters in the workspace:
Go to the settings page.
Click the Advanced tab.
Next to Permanently purge cluster logs, click the Purge button.
Click Yes, purge to confirm.
Once purged, cluster logs are not recoverable.