Bicep error/warning code - BCP036

This error/warning occurs when you assign a value to a property whose expected data type isn't compatible with the type of the assigned value.

Error/warning description

The property <property-name> expected a value of type <data-type> but the provided value is of type <data-type>.


Assign a value with the correct data type.


The following example raises the error because sku is defined as a string, not an integer:

type storageAccountConfigType = {
  name: string
  sku: string

param foo storageAccountConfigType = {
  name: 'myStorage'
  sku: 2

You can fix the issue by assigning a string value to sku:

type storageAccountConfigType = {
  name: string
  sku: string

param foo storageAccountConfigType = {
  name: 'myStorage'
  sku: 'Standard_LRS' 

Next steps

For more information about Bicep error and warning codes, see Bicep core diagnostics.