启用复制时,Azure Site Recovery 会尝试在虚拟机 (VM) 上安装移动服务代理。 在此过程中,配置服务器会尝试连接虚拟机并复制代理。 要想成功安装,请按照分步故障排除指导进行操作。
本文介绍如何排查 VMware 虚拟机中的移动代理运行状况错误。
- 登录到运行状况至关重要的源计算机,然后检查
文件。 - 在以下位置找到
文件:- Linux:
- Windows:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Azure Site Recovery\agent\svagents_curr<>.log
- Linux:
如果在 svagents_curr<>.log
<ErrorCode> **ClientCertificateIsInvalidOrExpired** </ErrorCode>
<Message> **The specified client certificate is invalid or already expired.** </Message>
<PossibleCauses>The specified client certificate is valid between '6/23/2024 2:46:05 AM' and '6/24/2024 5:00:00 PM'. The current time is '6/26/2024 9:47:26 AM' which is outside certificate validity window.</PossibleCauses>
- 将 Azure Site Recovery 移动代理升级到源计算机上可用的最新版本。
- 生成移动服务配置文件,并将移动代理重新注册到设备。
如果在 svagents_curr<>.log
文件中收到以下错误:握手:证书验证失败(SSL 例程)
#~> (06-25-2024 16:17:42): ERROR 2480 4612 36 TransportStream::Write: Failed to send data with error [at C:\__w\1\s\host\cxpslib\client.h:BasicClient<class HttpTraits>::putFile:609] (sid: ), remoteName: b0a77692-5c2a-48d5-bb95-35404e10a10d.mon, dataSize: 1048576, moreData: 1, error: [at C:\__w\1\s\host\cxpslib\client.h:BasicClient<class HttpTraits>::connectSocket:1468] WIN-0LTQUK99R9O : 11001, No such host is known.: handshake: certificate verify failed (SSL routines) [asio.ssl:167772294]. (may want to check server side logs for this sid) cxps
- 导航到进程服务器组件运行状况至关重要的复制设备,然后登录到该设备。
- 将设备上的进程服务器升级到最新版本,然后等待一小时。
- 重启服务 - 进程服务器和进程服务器监视器,然后等待一小时。
如果在 svagents_curr<>.log
#~> (06-20-2024 10:03:51): ERROR 1688 648 16394 Server certificate expired for URL https://<IPAddress>:443/CallRcmApi
#~> (06-20-2024 10:03:51): ERROR 1688 648 16395 Could not perform curl. Curl error: (60) SSL peer certificate or SSH remote key was not OK
#~> (06-20-2024 10:03:51): ERROR 1688 648 16396 Curl internal error : SSL certificate problem: self-signed certificate.
#~> (06-20-2024 10:03:51): ERROR 1688 648 16397 Curl operation failed with error (60) SSL peer certificate or SSH remote key was not OK
#~> (06-20-2024 10:03:51): ERROR 1688 648 16398 RcmClientLib::RcmClientProxyImpl::GetRcmProxyResponse: Request failed for URI, rcmEndPoint: GetOnPremToAzureSourceAgentSettings, ClientRequestId: , ErrorCode: 60
#~> (06-20-2024 10:03:53): ERROR 1688 648 16399 Could not perform curl. Curl error: (6) Couldn't resolve host name
#~> (06-20-2024 10:03:53): ERROR 1688 648 16400 Curl internal error : Could not resolve host:.
#~> (06-20-2024 10:03:53): ERROR 1688 648 16401 Curl operation failed with error (6) Couldn't resolve host name
#~> (06-20-2024 10:03:53): ERROR 1688 648 16402 RcmClientLib::RcmClientProxyImpl::GetRcmProxyResponse: Request failed for URI https://<Hostname>:443/CallRcmApi, rcmEndPoint: GetOnPremToAzureSourceAgentSettings, ClientRequestId:, ErrorCode: 6
#~> (06-20-2024 10:03:53): ERROR 1688 648 16403 RCM proxy post call failed for all addresses
#~> (06-20-2024 10:03:53): ERROR 1688 648 16404 RcmClientLib::RcmConfigurator::PollReplicationSettings: failed to get settings from RCM with error 20501
- 导航到代理服务器组件运行状况至关重要的复制设备,然后登录到该复制设备。
- 将设备上的代理服务器升级到最新版本,然后等待一小时。
- 如果代理服务器已经是最新版本,请尝试重新启动 Azure RCM 代理程序和 Azure RCM 代理管理服务,并等待一小时。
- 生成移动服务配置文件,并将移动代理重新注册到设备。
如果在 svagents_curr<>.log
#~> (07-01-2024 13:13:34): ERROR 2952 5016 19 Could not perform curl. Curl error: (6) Couldn't resolve host name
#~> (07-01-2024 13:13:34): ERROR 2952 5016 20 Curl internal error: Could not resolve host: <>
#~> (07-01-2024 13:13:34): ERROR 2952 5016 21 Curl operation failed with error (6) Couldn't resolve host name
#~> (07-01-2024 13:13:34): ERROR 2952 5016 22 RcmClientLib::RcmClientProxyImpl::GetServerCert: Request failed for URI https://WIN-PK3OA9GH55Q:443, ErrorCode: 6
#~> (07-01-2024 13:13:34): ERROR 2952 5016 23 RcmClientLib::RcmClientProxyImpl::GetServerCert: Failed to get SSL Server cert and fingerprint
#~> (07-01-2024 13:13:34): ERROR 2952 5016 24 Failed to get SSL Server cert and fingerprint for RCM Proxy <>:443
#~> (07-01-2024 13:13:34): ERROR 2952 5016 25 Mismatch of fingerprints between received: <> and in source config: <>
#~> (07-01-2024 13:13:34): ERROR 2952 5016 26 Get server cert failed for all rcm proxy address
#~> (07-01-2024 13:13:34): ERROR 2952 5016 27 VxService::StartWork: Verify client auth failed with error 4. Waiting for 120 sec before retry.
如果仍遇到问题,请联系 Microsoft 支持部门获取进一步帮助。