Workspace-based Application Insights resources

Azure Monitor Application Insights workspace-based resources integrate Application Insights and Log Analytics.

With workspace-based resources, Application Insights sends telemetry to a common Log Analytics workspace, providing full access to all the features of Log Analytics while keeping your application, infrastructure, and platform logs in a single consolidated location. This integration allows for common Azure role-based access control across your resources and eliminates the need for cross-app/workspace queries.


Data ingestion and retention for workspace-based Application Insights resources are billed through the Log Analytics workspace where the data is located. To learn more about billing for workspace-based Application Insights resources, see Azure Monitor Logs pricing details.

New capabilities

With workspace-based Application Insights, you can take advantage of the latest capabilities of Azure Monitor and Log Analytics. For example:

  • Customer-managed key provides encryption at rest for your data with encryption keys to which only you have access.
  • Azure Private Link allows you to securely link Azure platform as a service (PaaS) services to your virtual network by using private endpoints.
  • Commitment tiers enable you to save as much as 30% compared to the pay-as-you-go price.
  • Log Analytics streaming ingests data faster.

Create a workspace-based resource

Sign in to the Azure portal, and create an Application Insights resource.

If you don't have an existing Log Analytics workspace, see the Log Analytics workspace creation documentation.

Workspace-based resources are currently available in all regions

After you create your resource, you'll see corresponding workspace information in the Overview pane.

Screenshot that shows a workspace name.

Select the blue link text to go to the associated Log Analytics workspace where you can take advantage of the new unified workspace query environment.


We still provide full backward compatibility for your Application Insights classic resource queries, workbooks, and log-based alerts. To query or view the new workspace-based table structure or schema, you must first go to your Log Analytics workspace. Select Logs (Analytics) in the Application Insights panes for access to the classic Application Insights query experience.

Copy the connection string

The connection string identifies the resource that you want to associate your telemetry data with. You can also use it to modify the endpoints your resource uses as a destination for your telemetry. You must copy the connection string and add it to your application's code or to an environment variable.

Configure monitoring

After you've created a workspace-based Application Insights resource, you configure monitoring.

Code-based application monitoring

For code-based application monitoring, you install the appropriate Application Insights SDK and point the connection string to your newly created resource.

For information on how to set up an Application Insights SDK for code-based monitoring, see the following documentation specific to the language or framework:

Codeless monitoring and Visual Studio resource creation

For codeless monitoring of services like Azure Functions and Azure App Services, you first create your workspace-based Application Insights resource. Then you point to that resource when you configure monitoring.

These services offer the option to create a new Application Insights resource within their own resource creation process. But resources created via these UI options are currently restricted to the classic Application Insights experience.

The same restriction applies to the Application Insights resource creation experience in Visual Studio for ASP.NET and ASP.NET Core. You must select an existing workspace-based resource in the Visual Studio UI where you enable monitoring. Selecting Create new resource in Visual Studio limits you to creating a classic Application Insights resource.

Create a resource automatically

Azure CLI

To access the preview Application Insights Azure CLI commands, you first need to run:

 az extension add -n application-insights

If you don't run the az extension add command, you see an error message that states az : ERROR: az monitor: 'app-insights' is not in the 'az monitor' command group. See 'az monitor --help'.

Now you can run the following code to create your Application Insights resource:

az monitor app-insights component create --app
                                         [--ingestion-access {Disabled, Enabled}]
                                         [--query-access {Disabled, Enabled}]


az monitor app-insights component create --app demoApp --location chinaeast2 --kind web -g my_resource_group --workspace "/subscriptions/00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000/resourcegroups/test1234/providers/microsoft.operationalinsights/workspaces/test1234555"

For the full Azure CLI documentation for this command, see the Azure CLI documentation.

Azure PowerShell

Create a new workspace-based Application Insights resource.

New-AzApplicationInsights -Name <String> -ResourceGroupName <String> -Location <String> -WorkspaceResourceId <String>
   [-SubscriptionId <String>]
   [-ApplicationType <ApplicationType>]
   [-Etag <String>]
   [-FlowType <FlowType>]
   [-HockeyAppId <String>]
   [-IngestionMode <IngestionMode>]
   [-Kind <String>]
   [-PublicNetworkAccessForIngestion <PublicNetworkAccessType>]
   [-PublicNetworkAccessForQuery <PublicNetworkAccessType>]
   [-RequestSource <RequestSource>]
   [-RetentionInDays <Int32>]
   [-SamplingPercentage <Double>]
   [-Tag <Hashtable>]
   [-DefaultProfile <PSObject>]


New-AzApplicationInsights -Kind java -ResourceGroupName testgroup -Name test1027 -location chinaeast2 -WorkspaceResourceId "/subscriptions/00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000/resourcegroups/test1234/providers/microsoft.operationalinsights/workspaces/test1234555"

For the full PowerShell documentation for this cmdlet, and to learn how to retrieve the connection string, see the Azure PowerShell documentation.

Azure Resource Manager templates

To create a workspace-based resource, use the following Azure Resource Manager templates and deploy them with PowerShell.

Template file

    "$schema": "",
    "contentVersion": "",
    "parameters": {
        "name": {
            "type": "string"
        "type": {
            "type": "string"
        "regionId": {
            "type": "string"
        "tagsArray": {
            "type": "object"
        "requestSource": {
            "type": "string"
        "workspaceResourceId": {
            "type": "string"
    "resources": [
            "name": "[parameters('name')]",
            "type": "microsoft.insights/components",
            "location": "[parameters('regionId')]",
            "tags": "[parameters('tagsArray')]",
            "apiVersion": "2020-02-02-preview",
            "properties": {
                "ApplicationId": "[parameters('name')]",
                "Application_Type": "[parameters('type')]",
                "Flow_Type": "Bluefield",
                "Request_Source": "[parameters('requestSource')]",
                "WorkspaceResourceId": "[parameters('workspaceResourceId')]"


For more information on resource properties, see Property values. Flow_Type and Request_Source aren't used but are included in this sample for completeness.

Parameters file

    "$schema": "",
    "contentVersion": "",
    "parameters": {
        "type": {
            "value": "web"
        "name": {
            "value": "customresourcename"
        "regionId": {
            "value": "chinanorth"
        "tagsArray": {
            "value": {}
        "requestSource": {
            "value": "Custom"
        "workspaceResourceId": {
            "value": "/subscriptions/00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000/resourcegroups/my_resource_group/providers/microsoft.operationalinsights/workspaces/myworkspacename"

Modify the associated workspace

After you've created a workspace-based Application Insights resource, you can modify the associated Log Analytics workspace.

In the Application Insights resource pane, select Properties > Change Workspace > Log Analytics Workspaces.

Export telemetry

The legacy continuous export functionality isn't supported for workspace-based resources. Instead, select Diagnostic settings > Add diagnostic setting in your Application Insights resource. You can select all tables, or a subset of tables, to archive to a storage account. You can also stream to an Azure event hub.


Diagnostic settings export might increase costs. For more information, see Export telemetry from Application Insights. For pricing information for this feature, see the Azure Monitor pricing page. Prior to the start of billing, notifications will be sent. If you continue to use telemetry export after the notice period, you'll be billed at the applicable rate.

How many Application Insights resources should I deploy?

When you're developing the next version of a web application, you don't want to mix up the Application Insights telemetry from the new version and the already released version.

To avoid confusion, send the telemetry from different development stages to separate Application Insights resources with separate connection strings.

If your system is an instance of Azure Cloud Services, there's another method of setting separate connection strings.

About resources and connection strings

When you set up Application Insights monitoring for your web app, you create an Application Insights resource in Azure. You open this resource in the Azure portal to see and analyze the telemetry collected from your app. The resource is identified by a connection string. When you install the Application Insights package to monitor your app, you configure it with the connection string so that it knows where to send the telemetry.

Each Application Insights resource comes with metrics that are available out of the box. If separate components report to the same Application Insights resource, it might not make sense to alert on these metrics.

When to use a single Application Insights resource

Use a single Application Insights resource:

  • For application components that are deployed together. These applications are usually developed by a single team and managed by the same set of DevOps/ITOps users.
  • If it makes sense to aggregate key performance indicators, such as response durations or failure rates in a dashboard, across all of them by default. You can choose to segment by role name in the metrics explorer.
  • If there's no need to manage Azure role-based access control differently between the application components.
  • If you don't need metrics alert criteria that are different between the components.
  • If you don't need to manage continuous exports differently between the components.
  • If you don't need to manage billing/quotas differently between the components.
  • If it's okay to have an API key have the same access to data from all components. And 10 API keys are sufficient for the needs across all of them.
  • If it's okay to have the same smart detection and work item integration settings across all roles.


If you want to consolidate multiple Application Insights resources, you can point your existing application components to a new, consolidated Application Insights resource. The telemetry stored in your old resource won't be transferred to the new resource. Only delete the old resource when you have enough telemetry in the new resource for business continuity.

Other considerations

Be aware that:

  • You might need to add custom code to ensure that meaningful values are set into the Cloud_RoleName attribute. Without meaningful values set for this attribute, none of the portal experiences will work.
  • For Azure Service Fabric applications and classic cloud services, the SDK automatically reads from the Azure Role Environment and sets these services. For all other types of apps, you'll likely need to set this explicitly.
  • Live Metrics doesn't support splitting by role name.

Create more Application Insights resources

To create an Applications Insights resource, see Create an Application Insights resource.


You might incur additional network costs if your Application Insights resource is monitoring an Azure resource (i.e., telemetry producer) in a different region. Costs will vary depending on the region the telemetry is coming from and where it is going. Refer to Azure bandwidth pricing for details.

Get the connection string

The connection string identifies the resource that you created.

You need the connection strings of all the resources to which your app will send data.

Filter on the build number

When you publish a new version of your app, you'll want to be able to separate the telemetry from different builds.

You can set the Application Version property so that you can filter search and metric explorer results.

There are several different methods of setting the Application Version property.

  • Set directly:

    telemetryClient.Context.Component.Version = typeof(MyProject.MyClass).Assembly.GetName().Version;

  • Wrap that line in a telemetry initializer to ensure that all TelemetryClient instances are set consistently.

  • ASP.NET: Set the version in BuildInfo.config. The web module picks up the version from the BuildLabel node. Include this file in your project and remember to set the Copy Always property in Solution Explorer.

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <DeploymentEvent xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="" xmlns="">
      <Build type="MSBuild">
          <BuildLabel kind="label"></BuildLabel>
  • ASP.NET: Generate BuildInfo.config automatically in the Microsoft Build Engine. Add a few lines to your .csproj file:

      <GenerateBuildInfoConfigFile>true</GenerateBuildInfoConfigFile>    <IncludeServerNameInBuildInfo>true</IncludeServerNameInBuildInfo>

    This step generates a file called yourProjectName.BuildInfo.config. The Publish process renames it to BuildInfo.config.

    The build label contains a placeholder (AutoGen_...) when you build with Visual Studio. But when built with the Microsoft Build Engine, it's populated with the correct version number.

    To allow the Microsoft Build Engine to generate version numbers, set the version like 1.0.* in AssemblyReference.cs.

Version and release tracking

To track the application version, make sure your Microsoft Build Engine process generates buildinfo.config. In your .csproj file, add:


When the Application Insights web module has the build information, it automatically adds Application Version as a property to every item of telemetry. For this reason, you can filter by version when you perform diagnostic searches or when you explore metrics.

The build version number is generated only by the Microsoft Build Engine, not by the developer build from Visual Studio.

Release annotations

If you use Azure DevOps, you can get an annotation marker added to your charts whenever you release a new version.

Frequently asked questions

This section provides answers to common questions.

How do I move an Application Insights resource to a new region?

Moving existing Application Insights resources from one region to another is currently not supported. Historical data that you've collected can't be migrated to a new region. The only partial workaround is to:

  1. Create a new workspace-based Application Insights resource in the new region.
  2. Re-create all unique customizations specific to the original resource in the new resource.
  3. Modify your application to use the new region resource's connection string.
  4. Test to confirm that everything is continuing to work as expected with your new Application Insights resource.
  5. At this point, you can either keep or delete the original Application Insights resource. If you delete a classic Application Insights resource, all historical data is lost. If the original resource was workspace based, its data remains in Log Analytics. Keeping the original Application Insights resource allows you to access its historical data until its data retention settings run out.

Unique customizations that commonly need to be manually re-created or updated for the resource in the new region include but aren't limited to:

  • Re-create custom dashboards and workbooks.
  • Re-create or update the scope of any custom log/metric alerts.
  • Re-create availability alerts.
  • Re-create any custom Azure role-based access control settings that are required for your users to access the new resource.
  • Replicate settings involving ingestion sampling, data retention, daily cap, and custom metrics enablement. These settings are controlled via the Usage and estimated costs pane.
  • Any integration that relies on API keys, such as release annotations and live metrics secure control channel. You need to generate new API keys and update the associated integration.
  • Continuous export in classic resources must be configured again.
  • Diagnostic settings in workspace-based resources must be configured again.


If the resource you're creating in a new region is replacing a classic resource, we recommend that you explore the benefits of creating a new workspace-based resource. Alternatively, migrate your existing resource to workspace based.

Next steps