Queries for the Syslog table
For information on using these queries in the Azure portal, see Log Analytics tutorial. For the REST API, see Query.
Find events reported by Linux kernel process, regarding killed processes.
// To create an alert for this query, click '+ New alert rule'
| where ProcessName == "kernel" and SyslogMessage contains "Killed process"
Last 100 Syslog.
| top 100 by TimeGenerated desc
Last 100 Syslog with erros.
| where SeverityLevel == "err" or SeverityLevel == "error"
| top 100 by TimeGenerated desc
All Syslog by facility.
| summarize count() by Facility
All Syslog by process name.
| summarize count() by ProcessName
Lists computers with users added to Linux group.
| where Facility == 'authpriv' and SyslogMessage has 'to group' and (SyslogMessage has 'add' or SyslogMessage has 'added')
| summarize by Computer
Lists computers with new Linux group created.
| where Facility == 'authpriv' and SyslogMessage has 'new group'
| summarize count() by Computer
Lists computers wih failed Linux user password change.
| where Facility == 'authpriv' and ((SyslogMessage has 'passwd:chauthtok' and SyslogMessage has 'authentication failure') or SyslogMessage has 'password change failed')
| summarize count() by Computer
Lists computers with failed ssh logons.
| where (Facility == 'authpriv' and SyslogMessage has 'sshd:auth' and SyslogMessage has 'authentication failure') or (Facility == 'auth' and ((SyslogMessage has 'Failed' and SyslogMessage has 'invalid user' and SyslogMessage has 'ssh2') or SyslogMessage has 'error: PAM: Authentication failure'))
| summarize count() by Computer
Lists computers with failed su logons.
| where (Facility == 'authpriv' and SyslogMessage has 'su:auth' and SyslogMessage has 'authentication failure') or (Facility == 'auth' and SyslogMessage has 'FAILED SU')
| summarize count() by Computer
Lists computers with failed sudo logons.
| where (Facility == 'authpriv' and SyslogMessage has 'sudo:auth' and (SyslogMessage has 'authentication failure' or SyslogMessage has 'conversation failed')) or ((Facility == 'auth' or Facility == 'authpriv') and SyslogMessage has 'user NOT in sudoers')
| summarize count() by Computer